Sep 17, 2006 23:34
WAR DAMN EAGLE!!!! #2 in the nation! It's about time we're gettin' some 'spect around here!
The game this past weekend was without a doubt the most exciting football game I have EVER been to. The people, the noise, the crowds, even the obnoxious LSU fans added up to one of my most memorable experiences yet at Auburn. I even got my first chance to roll good 'ol Toomer's Corner! It is definitely great to be an Auburn Tiger!!!!
Well, that was the happy part of my weekend. I came down with a small cold on about Wednesday-ish, which I THOUGHT I had gotten over by Friday. One can therefore imagine my surprise when I literally woke up gasping for air early Saturday morning. I actually ended up in the East Alabama ER Saturday night/early Sunday morning. Truth be told, I SHOULD have been there on Friday night...but I didn't want to miss the LSU game! Yes yes, I'm dedicated like that...I woulda done the same thing for a UAB game! Anyways, I felt better for about 2 hours after leaving the hospital, but the symptoms returned earlier this I went to a different doctor where I got 3 breathing treatmets, a chest x-ray, cdc test, steroid shot, and a prescription of antibiotics. Turns out, I have a bronchial bacterial infection. At least I get a day off school for my troubles!
In other news, I was offered a spot in the Auburn Knights, which is a semi-professional jazz band in the area. Trouble is, they require about 5 hours of rehearsal time per week...and I don't think that I can spare it. I just have too much going on...but maybe next semester!
For some reason, school seems to be getting easier. Actually, I think that I'm just learning to manage my time better. I'm finished with my discussion leader responsibilities for my Advanced Organizational Psychology class, and Statistics is finally starting to make sense to me. Beyond that, I'm FINALLY getting the hang of this teaching thing! Hopefully I'll have some good teacher evalutaions to look forward to at the end of the semester =)
...Why is it that I take the WORST pictures in life?
That is all...