My first short story, as promised prior to by LJ New Year's resolution. I've been thinking about writing this story for ages, but never had the time to do it.
This is a prequel to the Guy Richie film, which explains how John Watson met his future wife Mary, as well as how the film will kick off. There are some hilarities at the start, of course. This is my first story to post and I need to know what you think of it, so here it is.
London, 1890, John Watson is walking down the street, heading to 221B Baker Street, home of detective Sherlock Holmes. He enters the house, and is greeted by Mrs. Hudson. "Ah, Dr. Watson. Lovely to see you again." Mrs. Hudson said with a smile. "Good morning, Mrs. Hudson. Is Holmes still about?" Asked Watson. "Oh yes, he's kept to himself all evening, refusing to come out or even have any supper." She said worryingly. "Oh dear, Holmes is up to something." Watson said with a grim face. Watson walks up the stairs to Holmes room. "Holmes! What are you up to? If you've done any experiments on my dog...?" He asked angrily as he entered Holmes' room. But to his surprise, Holmes is sitting comfortably on the armchair, drinking tea. "Ah, Watson. So glad you're here. Tea?" Said Holmes. "You're not up to anything whatsoever." Watson stated. "Yes, unfortunately. I tried think something but I just couldn't think of anything." Said a disappointed Holmes as he got up. "Well, that's a first. Anyway, Lestrade called, there's a murder at..." Said Watson, until Holmes suddenly interrupted him. "Then I thought of this." He said, when suddenly he put some sort of cuffs on Watson's wrist, then his. "Holmes, what is this?" Watson demanded. "Glad you asked, this is my newest invention." Explained Holmes. "Cuffs? Their already invented, and the entire Scotland Yard has those." Explained Watson. "Yes, but those are rather clunky and take up pocket space. This one however, I have designed it to be small, light, but just as strong as the original." Stated Holmes. "And you decided to cuff us together?" Asked a frustrated Watson. "Of course. I needed to test the strength of these new cuffs, and I can see one better to share this new discovery with than with you Watson. This cuffs are incredibly strong." Said Holmes. "That's wonderful, now give me the key to this thing." Said Watson, looking very stern. "You know, I should mention this to Lestrade, convince to have every policeman have these new cuffs. Think what this could revolutionise into." Said Holmes, ignoring Watson. "Holmes, Give me the key." Watson said, sternly. "You pull and pull all we can, but this cuff can never snap off. It's rather incredible..." Said Holmes, as he moves his arm around to show how strong his invention is, when he's suddenly interrupted by an annoyed Watson. "Give me the key!" Snapped Watson. "Alright." Said Holmes. "I finally achieved something remarkable, and I don't get want simple appreciation." Holmes said, as he threw at Watson the key. Unfortunately, Watson couldn't catch the key in time and it fell into the cracks of the wooden floor. Watson then glared angrily at Holmes. "Well, there were a couple of reasons why that shouldn't have happened." Explained Holmes. "There should've been a carpet underneath us, and you should've had quicker reflexes to catch the key." Continued Holmes, when Watson suddenly lunged at Holmes.
Later on, Holmes and Watson are walking down the street, still cuffed together. They arrive at the scene of the crime. Lestrade arrives to 'greet' them. "Well it's about bloody time you two showed up." Said an impatient Lestrade. "What the hell happened here?" Lestrade, noticing the cuffs. "Don't ask." Said Watson. "Right, well a John Harold was found decapitated, his head clean off." Lestrade said, moving on to the matter at hand as they enter the building. Minutes later, they enter the room to find the decapitated body. "Ah, now that is quite an excellent work." Said Holmes, looking at the body. "Good work? This man was a respectable man in London, and he was murdered in a horrible way." Said a stern Lestrade. "Oh, of course. What I was implying of course was how he was murdered." Said Holmes. He tried walking towards the body, only to feel a yank on his arm, and realised he was still cuffed with Watson. Holmes then pulled Watson to come along. "Now you notice that the spinal neck area was cut through in such quick accuracy, not snapped. That would imply that if it was the latter, then it would've been done by an axe or something blunt, like a shovel. This however, was done clean off, literally. This may have been done by a scimitar or some other blade that would be sharp enough to slice through wood." Continued Holmes, while observing the body. "So whoever did this was a professional, he knew what he was doing." Said Watson. "Quite right Watson. This was no murder, this was a flawless execution." Said Holmes. "Your killer is an assassin, most likely Oriental or Middle-Eastern." Holmes said to Lestrade. "but why come after Mr. Harold? He was a local businessman." Said Lestrade. "Indeed, a local businessman who had financial problems." Holmes concluded. "John Harold previously went to the east. Clearly, he made rather unsavoury dealings with very dangerous people. But when he failed to deliver his end of deal, they decided to eliminate him out of the equation." He concluded. "The head's missing, the killer may have it." Watson said. "Of course. Whoever sent the killer wants proof that John Harold is dead. He may have made a run for it before you and your...finest officers arrived. He'll most likely head to the harbour, as that is where he'll leave the same way he arrived, by boat." Explained Holmes. "Right, I want every officers at the harbour and every docking area in London. Look for anyone who looks remotely Asian, and check their bags too." Lestrade ordered his officers. "But be warned, this man could be dangerous." He added, and the Scotland Yard forced left. "You two coming?" Asked Lestrade to Holmes and Watson. "Oh no, who should have this. But we'll catch up." Holmes said. Lestrade just scoffed and left. "Why are we really staying here Holmes?" Asked Watson, as he knows his friend too well. "Because I lied. The killer never left. He wouldn't be foolish enough to leave to soon after killing this man, he's much too professional for that." Explained Holmes. He would wait until the coast was clear for him to escape." He continued. "Then why sent Lestrade and the whole Scotland Yard on a while goose chase?" Watson asked. "Because thanks to Lestrade, although he doesn't realise it, he has blocked the killer's way out of England." Said Holmes. "Now, I can only assume that the killer is upstairs. Shall we?" He added.
Minutes Later, Holmes and Watson are upstairs. "Try to whisper Watson, we don't the killer the know we're here." Whispered Holmes. They then hear a few creaks on the floors. "Another reason why there should always be carpets on every wooden floors." Holmes whispered, remarking the key falling into the cracks. "Really? You're brining that up, now? You were the one who threw the key at me. Why did you do that? You could've just handed it to me." Whispered an angry Watson. Holmes pondered, it didn't occurred to him to hand the key to Watson instead. "Well, changing the subject. If this man is as dangerous as you made him out to be, why are we pursuing him? Watson asked. "Elementary, my dear Watson. Only you and I can take on ruthless men like our killer friend, and Lestrade's men would only get in the way as they have no experience whatsoever." Holmes explained. "Wait, did you just call me dear?" Asked a puzzled Watson. "There was one thing that I was half-right with; the killer was Middle-Eastern, definitely from Persia. Persian assassins' blades are incredibly sharp, next to Japanese blades of course. And added to their acrobatic skills, that makes them quite elusive killers." Explained Holmes. "And why are you telling this now?" Asked Watson. "Because the killer is right behind us." Concluded Holmes when Suddenly the killer attacks the duo from behind. The killer was swinging his blade at them while still holding the bag with Mr. Harold's head in. Holmes and Watson can barely fight back, as their cuffed together. "Holmes, you said these cuffs are unbreakable, right?" Watson asked. "Yes. Why do you ask Watson?" Asked a puzzled Holmes. "Let's see how shard blade is." Said Watson, when Holmes realised what he was planning. "No, Watson, please! It took me a week to make this." Holmes pleaded, but to no avail as Watson placed the chain of the cuffs in front of them. Just as the assassin struck his sword down, it broke the chains, now giving Holmes and Watson room to fight back. Watson delivered the first punch to the killer, then Holmes did the same, and so on until the killer accidently threw the head out of the window. "Stay here, I'll get the head!" Said Watson, as he runs down stairs, leaving Holmes with the killer. "What? leaving me to deal with a cold-blooded killer? Is this your revenge for cuffing you?" Said an outraged Holmes, only to end up dealing with the assassin.
Outside, Watson was in the front lawn, searching for the sack with the head. He finally found it and picked up. Suddenly, Watson heard a scream. He looked and saw a woman being dragged by three men into the alleyway. Watson, still carrying the head, went to confront them.
In the alleyway, the woman was pinned to the wall by the perverted men. "Come on love, give us a kiss." One of the men cruelly said as they drunkenly chuckled. "I don't think she's interested!" Shouted Watson, who got the men's attention. "Clearly, you lads had too much to drink. Otherwise, you would know when she's not interested." He said to the men as he walked towards them. "Now, off you go." He added. "Or else what?" Asked one of the men, as he drew out his knife. "Or else, I'll give you this." Said Watson, as he took the head out and threw it at the men. The lead man in the middle caught the head, and when he saw it, he panicked and dropped it. When he looked up, Watson rushed in and punched him in the face. Watson then fought the other two, with the man holding the knife trying to take a swing at Watson, but he twisted his wrist which caused him to drop the knife. Watson then knocked him on the floor. Suddenly, the last man revealed to have a gun and was about to shoot at Watson when suddenly, a gunfire hit the wall near the man. "That's quite enough of that!" Said a voice, which was revealed to be Lestrade and a few officers intercepting the scuffle. "First one was a shot mate, so drop the gun." Ordered Lestrade. The man did so. "Get them out of here." Lestrade ordered his officers. "Here's the head of John Harold" Said Watson, as he handed it to one of the officers. Lestrade then confronted Watson. "Where's Sherlock Holmes? I want a word with him." Said Lestrade. Suddenly, a sound of window smashed was heard. Lestrade went to check and find Holmes and the assassin fell out of the window together. Lestrade went to confront Holmes, leaving Watson alone with the woman. "Are You alright ma'am?" Watson asked the woman. "I am now, thanks to you." Answered the woman. "Was that a head I saw you threw?" She asked. "Yes. Um, that wasn't mine. It belong to a killer that my friend and I were pursuing." Explained an awkward Watson. Changing the subject, Watson introduces himself to the woman. "Um, my name is er, John Watson." He said, introducing himself. "Hello John, my name is Mary. Mary Morstan." She replied. "Well, it was nice to meet you Mary. I, um, better be going." Said Watson as he was about to leave, when Mary stopped him. "Wait, I know we've only just met, but I would be much safer if you walked me home. If it's alright with you of course." Said Mary. "Of course not, I would be happy to." Replied Watson, as he walked with Mary back to her home.
Back at the front of the building, Holmes finally managed to subdue the assassin when the Scotland Yard officers arrive to assist. "Ah, inspector. Nice to see you back again so soon." Said Holmes. "Do you take me for an idiot Holmes. When I was halfway near the harbour, I suddenly realised why you chose to stay behind." Said an angry Lestrade. "Ah, I can explain that, if Watson would care to elaborate first." Holmes said, when he suddenly sees Watson walking with Mary, leaving him to deal with Lestrade on his own.
Meanwhile, a carriage was parked a mile away, witnessing the whole thing. Inside the carriage, and watching Sherlock Holmes, was James Moriarty. "So that is the great Sherlock Holmes." He said. "He's not what I expected. But then again, one should not jump to conclusions on first." He added. "Do you want me to pursue him?" Asked a female voice, which reveals to be Irene Adler. "Not yet. Though I'm sure he won't be a problem for you. After all, you were the only person to outwit him, twice. At least for now until he meets me." Explained Moriarty. "But for now, we have other pressing matters. Lord Blackwood has an employee who is studying electricity. I want you to approach him and convince him to work for me." He said to a visibly reluctant Adler.
Later on, back in Baker Street. Watson is seen laying on the coach, thinking about Mary, while Holmes pacing around the room telling Watson off. "Do you have any idea how difficult it was to deal an angry inspector, who I did him a favour by capturing a professional assassin? And you! Leaving me in my own time of need. I understand that you're upset that I cuffed us together, but this was highly unnecessary." Ranted Holmes, but Watson could barely listen. "She was beautiful Holmes." Said a daydreaming Watson. "What? Who?" Holmes asked. "Mary. I can't stop thinking about her. Even her name is like the sound wedding bells." Continued Watson. "Oh dear. Wedding bells." Holmes said in disbelief. Watson snapped out of his daydream and got himself up to speak to Holmes. "Alright, I'm sorry I abandoned you. But this Mary woman was amazing. You of all people should understand how it feels to fall in love." Explained Watson. "Yes, and it resulted in me being humiliated. Twice!" Argued Holmes. "You are not considering this woman, are you?" Holmes asked. "Yes, I probably might. I can't just spend the rest of my life not married, or at least fall in love." Argued Watson. "Very well! If you are adamant to continue seeing this woman, then I give you my blessing." Said Holmes. "You're blessing?" Asked Watson. "I can't stop you from seeing this woman, and you do have a life. At least promise me that she will not come between us." Demanded Holmes. "Alright fine, but you have to promise to be accepting towards her." Said Watson. "whether you like it or not Holmes, Mary will be part of this." He added, as he left, leaving Holmes to look on.