Nov 06, 2005 13:16
Wow- last showcase.
It was hard, and I definitely felt some deep aching in my chest because I knew I would never do it again.
My speech went well. I guess I didn't focus on drumline as much as I should have...
But my speech was all about Danny and how he's been my best friend for 3 years.
I didn't cry once.
I didn't understand it at first.
Then I realized something.
I didn't want to grieve the show, or my last year, or my last showcase.
I wanted to celebrate it. I wanted to enjoy my last time.
...And I did.
Everything was perfect!
I found my journal that had been missing for weeks.
My parents were there, JESSE was there.
After we finished and were on the hill,
Jesse came up and gave me a huge hug.
That meant everything to me...
Lyle, Hilly, Kara, Alex, Ed Cox, Dan, TaylaMo, Kruz many others were there.
THE SHOW--- wow. It was amazing.
During set 61 Kidder and I locked eyes.
He shot me the deuces and I smiled.
During the drumbreak I got the biggest rush of my life.
And at the end of the show...I got a rush to top that.
In the tunnel I screamed and screamed
And played my drum Drum DRUM
and screamed some more and jumped around.
It was awesome.
Swiss Love was there of course
And I loved tlaking trash with him
about how VC is better than IP!!!!!
After I went to the Showcase party,
Lyle and I ventured to Albertsons
Smoked a victory cigar, jammed Radiohead
Then Raaz, Stiner, Will, Philip, Nick, Blake, etc got there
we bought various house wrapping items
such as brushes, shaving creme, and a BBQ pit.
That's right...
We wrapped Coo-Too's house, shaving creme'd it
then chilled on his doorstep and grilled hot dogs.
After leaving his house leaning on our horns
(then doubling back to see the look on his face)
Lyle brought me home and I got in bed
Only to be woken up by the pitter patter of people outside...
I thought it'd be Stiner and Raaz and everyone else
But no!
I walk out there and see fucking Colin Pinkerton running across my lawn.
He was there with his sister, her friends, and Corey Dennis.
I guess it just wouldn't be my last Showcase if my house hadn't gotten wrapped.
ah...what a night