Hm. I have been underutilizing LJ for a while, now. I think part of that is because most of flist (hai) consists mostly of people that I don't have a lot in common with anymore, because that's no longer my primary fandom. I don't think I even HAVE a primary fandom anymore, or if I do, it's
The Internet Cafe. I really only read things that
seperis recs. Which means, lately, Merlin. Which is fine -- I'm plenty busy, I'm just saying.
Things are...slowing, a bit. I'm moving to Nashville this summer, and am house-hunting pretty diligently. Found one really awesome one, and we'll be making a last-ditch offer on it this week, I think, and hopefully the sellers will take the money and run, given the market. School is almost over. I say that, but I just mean almost over in the sense that I'm about to start it again. Vanderbilt, this fall, maybe even during the summer. It's...pretty exciting, actually.
I like Nashville. I know next to nothing about the queer scene there, and I still haven't been able to gather from the Internets if their women's hockey league includes a Senior C travel team or if they just play in-house stuff, but the music is awesome. Hockey here was...good, and probably my team is what I'll miss most about Raleigh, but at least I get a few more games with 'em, in men's league. Which I can pay for with my TAX REFUND YAY FREE MONEY.
Braves are starting well, Thrashers finished well (:-(), Heels fucking rock.
The rest of my life is eaten by science. I'm attempting to be active in the Skeptic and Atheism meet-ups in the triangle (must check the status of such things in middle Tennessee), I have Worst Project Ever in the lab, but at least it means lots of bench work and...well, I read a lot. Always that. Anyway, this widget's pretty win: