Apr 03, 2008 11:58
Over the course of my Pilates training I have learned a lot about the way the body stores, processes and eliminates certain toxins and wastes because some muscular work - specifically that relating to skeletal reallignment, myofascial release and good ol' fashioned deep shaky stretching - can release toxins stored in fibrous tissue back into your blood stream/lymphatic system. One must be careful not to do too much of this kind of work if already feeling sick, abnormally fatigued or otherwise immunocompromised because a sudden rush of waste products previously stored in, say a whole mess of bunched up fascial tissue, can overload the lymphatic system and cause some pretty nasty side effects.
So I know this. And I've been careful of making sure it doesn't happen to my clients. Well, I finally did it to myself. And oh my god I feel like hell.
Did I work out for myself day before yesterday. Not much sleep and less food for three days or so (I know, I know - I'm supposed to know better) and then, on a day when I'd eaten well enough and felt up to a little bit of physical stimulation, I built a monster work out for myself which, honestly, wasn't intended to be all that monster. Two hours or so of mostly Pilates-based work. A lot of deep stretching, tons of alignment work and a fuck load of push ups.
Woke up the next morning feeling like death. I was sore, but not the normal "I had a good workout sore" - the kind of sore you are after you've had the flu for a week and all your joints feel like rust and old bubble gum. My lymph nodes feel like baseballs. Really, really painful baseballs that feel like make it feel like every drink of water is like swallowing an old razor blade. My energy is sapped. Light hurts my eyes. I seriously feel like I'm falling apart.
All symptoms of general toxicity! ugh.