The Practical Skeptics Guide to Resisting Societal Corruption

May 31, 2008 00:16

Today I wrote out some scattered rough notes for the preface of the the main nonfiction work I've been planning on writing for at least the last 5 years.

The general idea started when I decided to "save the world" in early high school. I then refined it around the time I started "looking for Christian allies" in late 2002.

I didn't have the experience or comprehensive enough understanding to write it before. I think I started because I wanted to get these ideas down while I was redoing my own life. I figured if I integrated the story of what I was going through now into this book (to whatever extent), it might help me get started writing something substantial.

It did.

So everyone who cares: poke me to post at least something within the next 3 days. If people keep hassling me about it, I'm sure to post something, even if it just ends up being today's mostly talking-to-myself notes, and maybe get some feedback.
-What they say about writers being the biggest critics of their own writing is definitely true of me. Well, I'm more critical of my presentation than anything I suppose....

This work I'm writing integrates my "3 rules of reality," where I got them, why they are general principles which apply to everyone, how to apply them, and why I'm so obsessed with the scientific method, what all I meant by PS A/R (ISA), et al.

"So post something already!"

nonfiction, psgrsc, ps a/r

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