I will have a proper update, perhaps tomorrow, but the main thing I have to say is:
These stupid, stupid man-boys and their stupid amazing sound and coherency and friendship. Ryan and his guys were fucking on, and apart from a ten minute interval they played just after eight right up until the eleven pm curfew.
01. Cobwebs
02. Sink Ships
03. Everybody Knows
04. Fix It
05. Crossed Out Name
06. Born Into A Light (this is where Rebs and I arrived after battling with not know where the venue was, the Leeds city centre ring road and lack of parking. the previous five aren't my favourite song anyway tbh)
07. Wonderwall (!!! first time I've heard this live, better than the album version imo)
08. I Taught Myself How To Grow Old
09. Come Pick Me Up (!!!!!)
10. When The Stars Go Blue (!!!)
11. Grand Island (Neal Casal)
12. Natural Ghost
13. Goodnight Rose
14. Off Broadway
15. Two
16. Evergreen
17. A Kiss Before I Go
18. The End
19. Cold Roses (!!!!!!!! will flail about this later)
20. Please Do Not Let Me Go
21. Freeway To The Canyon (Neal Casal)
22. How Do You Keep Love Alive? (!!!)
23. Stop
24. Rescue Blues (!!!!!)
25. Games
26. Go Easy
27. Mockingbird Sing
28. Let It Ride (he's played this every single time I've seen him ♥ )
29. Desire (!!!)
& Less Than Jake tonight with mymateLiz. I'm familiar with all of one of their non-cover songs, but I'm relatively certain that they're not going to be too hard to get into. I'm more worried about the crowd then anything 'cause on one hand idiot boys moshing or whatever you do at "ska" (ska-lite?) shows is bound to be hilarious, but on the other -and taking into account my bad luck at gigs- there's the likelihood of me being stuck in the vicinity of some complete twats.
On a less upbeat note, so many people on my flist seem to be having a shitty time of it recently and, ugh. /o\ I just wish that things could be sunshine and puppy dogs and kittens and rainbows for everyone, including myself.