May 24, 2004 21:38
so the story goes.
i'm running late to the bus this AM, and i slipped down like the last 4 stairs.
and i thought i was okay. so i walked to the bus. on the way i noticed that my right foot hurt like a BITCH.
so i figure i can walk it off.
yeah didn't work.
so i worked all day, and hobbled around like a freaking cripple.
barbara gave me vicoden. it brightened my spirits for a couple hours. then i fell asleep pretty much.
so now.
my foot is twice the size of my left. it's wrapped in ace bandage and i can hardly walk.
this wouldn't be such a big deal if i had health insurance. which i do not. therefore, i have a sprained/twisted foot or ankle or something.
all i know is that i am gimpy.
and that c and l are here. lata