Jan 03, 2004 12:20
i never kno what to say for the subject
yea so im really happy cuz we are going to be buying another house in like NH/VT or somthing to go snowmobling, ride our quads..and fish and stuff i guess lol. i kno a ton of people who go to VT to do that so maybe ill see them there, it'll be coolyo. lol. i thought that we were buying a different house in hebron or marlborough to get out of our house now but idk. i saw some papers on the counter that had houses on it and stuff and i liked it more then out house but it didnt have a 3 car garage or something stupid like that so my mom didnt want it "for that amount of money." whatever i just hope we sell our house i dont like it. its just a couple of big boxes put together.
uh my posts are really pointless but thats ok...
i need to get some spurs for Amber whos being a mare :D..on the flat shes good until we canter. last week she wasnt as bad as the week before..she only bucked 3 times. Holly tells me to just whack her with the crop but to do that i have to only use 1 hand to hold on while shes trying to buck me off and whack her ass @ the same time....so i try a dressage whip but i hate those. i need to get myself a pair of spurs, but there are a ton of different ones..ill just get the cheapest 1/4" i can find lol. while we are jumping shes either really slow (yea i cantered the first jump and the next one was an oxer with like a foot spread, and it was @ like 2'6) and my horse stopped in front of it and walked over it. she has dont that before, with a triple (i think thats what its called...3 different oxers in a row..idk lol) yea she decided to walk over them. so i used hollys spurs and then she was really good..really fast but really good. i think its cuz hollys spurs are fucking 1" long lol. oh well. julie is leasing hannah and i never thought that would happen..hannah is a beast but whatever, its not me on her. Julie almost fell off 2 times cuz hannah refused 2 jumps. one was the oxer lol..and julie almost like flew over her head.
i want to leave amber again :(. but its so much money and i get to ride 2 times a week on my own...i guess if we paid more i could ride more but my parents wont pay like $500 a month for me to ride 3 times, plus $35 a lesson. i should just get a horse lol.