I never thought this day would come

Sep 05, 2003 19:09

Holy SHIT.

Consider this an official retraction of all the shit I have ever talked about Queen. Ever. This afternoon I downloaded and listened to Queen II in its entirety. Then I listened to it again. And now I'm listening to it...yet again.

Either unemployment has rotted my brain already or Queen II is a great album.

I'm gonna go with "Queen II is a great album." And it is an album. Apparently Queen made albums like The Beatles or Pink Floyd made albums. Queen made ART. I never knew this. The guitar, bass, drums, piano, and vocals on this record all at various points could make you CRY with their utter greatness too.

As weird as it sounds, I think I appreciate Queen more after having been to Vegas. Seriously. Vegas is one big novelty. Everything is huge and flashy and gimmicky, and instead of being annoying and cheesy, it's encouraged and enjoyable and just all-around great. You revel in the novelty of it. Queen, to me, is also a novelty, but they're so much more talented than I ever gave them credit for. And this album is a fantasy album. That rules. It's a journey like Harry Potter or Alice in Wonderland to me; it's just done through song, not words or pictures. I am amazed.

And I love how you can hear traces of Beatles (well, practically the hand of George Harrison himself in White Queen) and Zeppelin in here.

This album...wow.
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