Jul 06, 2008 02:54
i haaaaaaaaate summer!! lol. its too hot and being as there is no school i am bored out of my mind!! as of right now i am wide awake and it iiiis 2:56am, my nose is stuffy as fuck and im eating a popsicle because i am too lazy to go upstairs and get an actual source of hydration lol. this was an amazing weekend, :D my Lovey came over Saturday at like 2 and he slept over and we hung out on Sunday till 3:30, it was sooo fun!! i made him dinner and what not, kick ass weekend if i do say so myself.
i cant believe im going to be a senior this year, its craziness. im really gonna miss everyone though..Bridget, Danielle,Fogue,Mike,Derek,and a few other ppl were all seniors this year so i cant see them in school anymore :( Maria is dropping out cause my baby failed again, i wish they could have done something for her...its gonna be weird not having her at school with me. thats complete bullshit tho that they couldnt help her out...bastards.
So tonight me and my whore(mom) were looking at cars for me :D yay!!! i might get a white 1989 Toyota Corola. it was pretty cute, good price, and it had a place for me to plug in my ipod<--lol most important feature.
Speaking of my whore, i think she has like this goal to see me naked O.o like here ill give two examples, i was in the shower shaving my..lady bits xD, and she comes home from work and yells "im home!" ok, so now i know shes home, crazy bitch opens the bathroom door and opens the shower curtain, i have no idea how long she was looking but i kno right away i didnt hear her open the curtain, but i mean like wtf? im shaving my pussy and she totally watched me for god knows how long; then on another occasion i was sitting on the toilet peeing and she says "Jamie, ur cat is outside the bathroom." ok w/e, who cares? im not gonna be that long im peeing lol, so the whore opens the door and watches me pee. i yelled for her to get out, one:because its creepy and disgusting,two:i have a tattoo on my leg that she has no idea about, and three:i have new cuts on my leg she CANNOT see!! W/e i hate her so muuuch, shes fucking disgusting and a whore.