Yale email address

Jun 29, 2005 17:51

My name is Aarlo Stone Fish, and I am in the Yale class of '09. I have a
request about my email address: can it be
aarlo.stone.fish@yale.edu, instead of
something like aarlo.stone-fish@yale.edu
or (worse) aarlo.stonefish@yale.edu? I
always write "Aarlo Stone Fish" (on my application, for example), and I
would just like to request that "Stone" and "Fish" be separated on my email

Thanks so much!
Hello Aarlo,
At this time, you currently do not have an email account. You should be
recieving this account on or around July 1st. At that time I will grant
your request.

Thank you,
User Accounts
Thanks a lot!

Hello Aarlo,
Your alias has been updated to aarlo.stone-fish@yale.edu. This change
will be in effect 24 hours from now.

Thank you for your patience.

User Accounts
Whoops! I'd like it to be aarlo.stone.fish@yale.edu, if that's possible.

Sorry Aarlo, I would love to accomodate your request, but your alias will
remain as stated before in the format of aarlo.stone-fish@yale.edu, which
is the acceptable format for our database. For the duration at the
University, this is what your alias is, unless your name changes.

Thank you for your cooperation with this matter.

User Accounts

I have been so wronged throughout my life. It's been a rough time.

I still haven't officially gotten my email address...when I do (and I can login and check the facebook confirmation email), I'll get a facebook thing.
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