(no subject)

Jun 10, 2005 21:06

Another weekend night packed with various social events. So far, I've already: eaten dinner with the family (which I tried to avoid by calling people, but then I realized that my "people" I'd call to go out to do something are limited; see below); and practiced piano (after a traumatic piano lesson earlier today). Later tonight: probably more molding on myspace.

People I call when I want to do something: McKenna, AB, Agatha, DB. So when those people are working/fucking/otherwise busy, or I have just recently seen one of them, or something else gets in the way, I don't have anything to do on weekend nights. I try to keep reminding myself that this will change next year. If I had another year of high school, I would commit myself to getting new friends. But actually I have one more day of high school, and about three weeks more in Syracuse! So, no big deal.

Kind of a bad day, because of the piano lesson, my own personal freaking out about something very private, and loneliness.
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