If McKenna's doing it...

May 30, 2005 15:00

I thought I should do it too.

This memorial day break has been very lazy.

I'm not sure I've ever done one of these surveys...ok, here goes.
[[When was the last time you..]]

Smiled: just now
Laughed: last night
Cried: a few days ago, staying up way too late, listening to music, and having a "moment" (sounds weird, i know)
Bought something: yale gear today!
Danced: spring fling, probably
Were sarcastic: last night sometime probably
Talked to an ex: yeah, i'd have to go with n/a
Watched your favorite movie: x-men 2 was on HBO a few months ago
Had a nightmare: i dont really have nightmares (some of these i'm copying directly from mckenna)

[[A Last time for everything..]]
Last book you read: I know why the caged bird sings
Last movie you saw: hmm...this is tough! umm...probably a bit of phantom of the opera on the tokyo-beijing flight
Last song you heard: me playing the piano! some russian duet (i was only doing one part, obviously)
Last thing you had to drink: water from the sink
Last time you showered: this morning
Last thing you ate: cantelope

What do you most like about your body: face i guess
And least: some parts are too big (jk)
How many fillings do you have: none
Do you think you're good looking: yeah i guess
Do other people often tell you that you're good looking: not often
Do you look like any celebrities: no

Do you wear a watch: no
How many coats and jackets do you own: one, but it is kind of lost.
Most expensive item of clothing: hmm...probably a sweatshirt
What kind of shoes do you wear: my new good ones
Describe your style in one word: lazy-but-will-improve-along-with-general-taking-care-of-looks

What do they tend to be like: supportive and fun
How many people do you tell everything to: 2-4

Favorite band ever: beatles
Most listened to bands: parade (broadway show...i listen to it every day on treddy!)
Do you find any musicians good-looking: yes
Can you play an instrument: piano, sing
Type of music listened to: showtunes, beatles, and my three 1960s-2000s radio stations: 94.5, 102.1, 105.9
Type never listened to: probably exotic cultural stuff that i've never heard of (like mayan or something)

[[General Questions]]
Whom do you believe is the smartest man alive at the moment: someone i don't know (and they should say "smartest person")
What do you prefer, a sunny or rainy day: sunny of course
Do you consider yourself lucky: yes!
Do you feel pity for people who commit suicide: i'm too conflicted about that to come up with one answer
Choose one word to describe how you feel most often: either relaxed or stressed about stupid things (it's clear i'm not good at the one word answers)

Do you own any plaid clothing: boxers
Do you own Converse shoes: i'm not sure
Do you own Saucony shoes: no
Do you own old school Nikes: no
Is there more than one zipper in your pants: no
Do you know what a squatter flap is: no
Do you own a messenger bag: no (im not that gay...it's ok, i think it's cute when guys have messenger bags, but i don't)
Do you wear your messenger bag across your chest: no
Do you own braces: yes i used to "own" braces (thanks, mckenna)...unless you mean leg braces
Do you have short, shaggy hair: yes, that's exactly it! (kidding)
Does your hairstyle exceed a height of 3 inches: no
Would you classify your hair as a deadly weapon: nope
Do you think mohawks are "neat": no
Is your hair black or red: black
Do you have a favorite brand of hair dye: n/a
Do you own a bandana: no
Do you wear plugs in your ears: no
Are you amused by safety pins: not really
Have you ever used duct tape as a sewing substitute: no
Do you own one or more objects with studs or spikes in them: no
Do you own one or more articles of clothing from Dogpile, Lip Service, or Tiger of London: ive never even heard of these places, so i guess not (again i got that response from mckenna)
Do you enjoy leopard print: no

Are you disgruntled (having a general hate for everything): no
Are you an anarchist: no
Does the American flag anger you: no
Are you "working class": no
Do you dislike "preps": jeez no
Do you dislike Hot Topic: i dont know what that is
Do you smoke cigarettes: no
Do you smoke cloves: im speechless
Are you a vegetarian?: no
Do you think meat is murder: no, because i don't think animals have souls
Do your nighttime activities usually involve drunken underage vomiting: no
Have you ever slept in an alley or park: no
Do you wash your hair less than once a week: no
Have you ever gone a week without a shower: i dont think so
Have you ever been avoided due to your odor: i hope not
Do you say "rad": no

DoubleA987: youre not a clove smoker?
mckj25: i quit a few weeks ago
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