Aug 01, 2005 11:46
I think I've been working too much. I nearly slept until 10 today and i actually did sleep until 10 yesterday. (I didn't have to be at work until 11:30) I've almost never slept that late; I hate sleeping through the mornings. I always wake up and feel like all the opportunity is gone from the day. I feel like that now; it is nearly 12 o'clock and now I have to figure out something to do with the rest of my day. That's why I like mornings so much, because I don't really have to do anything. I don't have to worry about planning until the afternoon, so I get half a day to do nothing. And I love doing nothing. Well alright, perhaps not nothing, but I like having nothing preordained for me to do. Does that make any sense? I don't know.
Holy shit. I've just heard a door open in my house, but there is no one here...
Ok, I can't find anyone in the house. This is weird though.
I'm beginning to realize that I am not going to have any time for a life next year, what with school and nocca and work and everything. And my crazy schedule for school. I think I may be beginning to rethink this whole "get into a good college" thing. Honestly. 3 AP's and 2 honors classes does seem a bit excessive, don't you think? I am going to do nothing next year but learn, sing, work, and sleep. I can't wait.
Bleh. I have to go now. Must spend more "quality time" with my family. I hate when they do this... I heart you all and whatnot. Bye.