Apr 30, 2006 23:48
Lots of things happened this weekend that made me think about being me.
First, I had to kind of rethink how I handle myself in relationships with other people. Am I being honest with them? But more importantly, am I being true to myself when I am with them? Is it worth saving face if it means losing your sense of self? I decided, with a suggestion from a friend, that it was time to be a little more honest and a little less people pleaser. I don't think that's selfish, even though I know I can be a selfish person, I just think it's smart.
The second thing was I saw this great quote - which just happens to be from Sex and the City! Here, lemme share.... "The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous." Now, I'm actually most intrigued with the first sentence of that quote. It's a good reminder isn't it? Getting to know yourself (and I'm not trying to be dirty here so get your mind out of the gutter) and accept and love that person you are - that seems almost impossible when you think about it as one big thing. But I'd like to think we start small. For instance, I bought my arms a new tank top, to say, thanks arms, I appreciate the work you do and, even though you are sore from moving all that furniture, I think you are great. Ok, a lame example, but do you see what I am saying?
Third, tonight I had the typical Sunday night with my kids (even though we had a tiny turn out - where was everyone?). A friend of mine was presenting some information and reflection on a recent trip to the West Bank, and I sat there kind of astounded at how little I knew.... but even more astounded at how much I wanted to be like her, with all the knowledge and experience and ability to wax poetic on the tribulations of the world from a political, religious, and socio-economic view. I felt kind of small. But then later we were all chatting and she said something about how impressed she was that I am almost finished with my Masters and that I am out doing "real work." And then it hit me... maybe she wants to be like me, kind of like I want to be like her. That felt kind of cool.
So, this relationship I am having with me is going well. We learn a little more about each other each day. Sometimes we are mean and say hurtful things (I'm sorry hips, I really do think you are special and not just too curvy), but in the end we are dependent upon each other for survivial. And I'm okay with that.