Mar 15, 2005 17:31
I have a headache...and its not so much a good time, but whatev...
Went to a movie this afternoon with Kristen. It wasn't at all awkward. *shifty eyes* good ol' small talk to avoid an uncomfortable silence...
Went and saw The Pacifier. OMG...The Pacifier = bad movie. Good Lord, Ethel. It was stupid, boring, predictable, and cheesey as hell. Stupid Vin Diesel. It had it's funny moments, but the dumb stuff REALLY cancelled out the funny stuff. I laffed a lot at one spot, tho. One of the kids gets in trouble at school again, and the principle searches his locker. They find an arm band with a swastika on it, and the kids hair is died blonde. I laughed SO hard...friends will understand...
What else...ummm...I miss Sam.
Stupid stupidness! See, I was looking forward to tomorrow...going to Kingston with Cavan and Jessimica, but now we're not and I'm sad. So they're doing something on Sunday, and I can't go, 'cuz I'm going to Toronto to the Sportsman show, and meeting my sister there. : ( This is smelly. Anyone wanna have a last minute movie night?!
That be all, peeps.