Aug 30, 2005 11:17

soo many things happened this summer its unbeilievable. meeting new people. losing some close friends =[. and making new ones. i had so many trips this summer or memorbale moments. going to mexico, lake naciemiento, going on dates with my baby, hanging out with all of my girlfriends, crazy ass sleepovers, being sooo hyper, and of course.. parties. each one of these places or moments each come with a number of great times =] i'd have to say this summer was a BLAST.

PiCTURES =] & sayings

the first night of summe r=] at dylans house with the girls. so much fun =] even when lauren broke my camera. what a great moment i will never forget. hah love you la <3

hanging out with with jamie and la during the cheer bbq

going to the beach with everyone <333

lauging for hours with lauren during our sleepovers.

playing with video games with my baby.

beach with yuhki james and lauren. watching them boogie board =]

getttttting CRAZY with tarah lauren and erin =] peeeeing. trashcans. running. very suspicious person which ended up being KC. haha good times

cheer clinic

cheerleading sleepover at ashley hilligs. me christie lauren jamie julianne kristina having our own room and playing sypro. drinking one to many diet cokes. laughing. HOT SAUCE. RICE CRISPY. heccckk yeah.

hanging out with heather michelle euting =]

3rd of july with my girls. =] so much fun.

mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm. coffffeeee with christie !!

cutting my hair. which looks cute. but regret

THE BEST SLEEPOVER EVER FROM THIS SUMMER. crazy crack nutters. dance choreography class. soo many more.

"hello, welcome to my.. choreography class. yeah work it out now... do it like this. " hahahaha i love ju.

going to mexico with my family and yuhki and keifer

obsesssed with cofffeeee along with jamie and christie =]

in n out wiht my baby

visiting my cousin(s)

beautiful sunsets

dying my hair twice this summer [ dark ]

partying. esp. with my chelsea =]

going to the fair with chrissy and lauren. couldn't be more fun with other people. loved it.

visiting my cousins again for the 2nd time =]

photo shoot with lday

lake nacimiento w. mom, dad, haley, derek, yuhki, lauren, tomo, olivia, cameron, andre, sean.

our love got stronger this summer. and def. accomplished lots of problems. and created new morals



partying with my girls

gettting hyper with chelsea and washing cars like jessica simpson and paaris hilton =]

partying at my house with chelsea, tarah, erin, lauren, and april =] girls night

camerons 18th party


getting hyper at the park

swings with my baby

dying my hair

stealing kyles aviators

love him

partying with chelsea on the lasttt night of summmmmer


Bestfriends ♥

CHELSEA HAHN dude, i am so happy we got close this summer. i know for a fact that you are my best friends, because you are nothing but nice, loyal, hilarious, and just like me =] i really hope we dont seperate or fade away as school continues. whenever we hang out. we get hyper and crazy, take ridiculous pictures and laugh non stop. we have had so many good times this summer. honestly, you are a great friend to me =] love you. bestfriends .

LAUREN DAY la, i love you so much and you know that. we have been bestfriends since diapers =] we laugh non stop . like seriously. our exercise each time we hang out is laughing. hahahah i love it. eventhough we didnt hang out as much this summer as we did last summer. its okay. itll never chnage our friendship. i love you lauren. bestfriends.

HEATHER EUTiNG heather, we were BESTEST friends. i still consider that. i just wish we could have hung out a lot this summer like we promised. i know that we already talked through this. so thats done. but ilove you. and we are twwwiiinnsss. =] for sure. when school starts. things will change =] i love you baby girl. bestfriends.

ERiN ESAKi ERRRRRRRRRRRRIN. wow. you are one hilarious girl. im glad we hung out a lot this summer. HAPPPPY GIRLS. hellll yeah. you are gorgeous and way funny. we had sooo many good times this summer. gettting crazy with other people and just living up our summer. love you !

TARAH MACiAS wow. so much to say about you but can only fit into a couple of sentences. you make me laugh sooooo hard. hahaha just thinking about it makes me want to burst out laughing. wheni think of you, i think of you as an animal. a crazy rabbit or praying mantis hahah and its not a bad thing. because, you are gorgeous. very. im glad we hung out this summmer. i really am. i love youuu.

CHRiSTiE HULL christie. we had soo many good times this summer. and i think most of them come out of cheerleading. wooo hoooo. we get so hyper there. haha i love it. sleeping at the cheer sleepover was the best. HOT SAUCE. getting coffffeee with jamie at the mall =] . your birthday was like the funnest night to end my summer. i love you christie. never ever wanna lose such a great friend like you =]

JAMiE TiNGEY i remember last year. we were the best of friends. what happened to that? whatever happened. i do not like it. but i still love you and consider you as a best friend. becuz YOU are veyr loyal to me and make me laugh so hard. me you and christie are THE cofffeee lovers. =] wooo hooo. i really hope we dont ever drift away from eachother. i know i can come to you when ever i am having problems and you can do the same exact. i love you girl

KENDALL FiSHER kendall dee. i love you so much girl. we have been such great friends eversince 5th grade. longgg time. im sad we didnt hang out this much this summer. but you are gorgeous, smart, and very generous. you and tom are adorable and i am SO happy for you. i def. still consider you as a bestfriend also, because you are the defintion of a true bestfriend. i am very glad we got to hang out at christies party though. when school starts. we WILL hang out. no doubt. i love you babe.

for everyone else, you know i love you. there is just too much to write. but i will list names.
i loved hanging out with my friends this summer. each one of them made a great moment and some great laughs =]

liz, alana, jackie, julianne, chrissy, kristina, jessica, bree, ashley, ashley, loren, my cousins, my sister. i know that there are many others. thanks for making my summer a blast.

i am SO honored to be your girlfriend. you are my boyfriend. my one and only. my baby, my everything =] eventhough we have been going out for 5 months.. think of it this way.. we have liked eachother for 9 months =] woo hooo. whenver im with you, you make me happy. your trusting is def. getting stronger and im liking that. you know i wil never ever hurt you or do such a thing. i wanna be with you, for as long as i can =]. i love you so much.
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