I don't know what to write about today. That's the trouble with being stuck in the translation dungeon...although technically we weren't there all day today, because we took some time out to go to Target. That's where we get the bulk cat food to feed to the strays. We like to look around and see if there's anything interesting, which we'll usually look at, go, "That's cool," and leave on the shelf, but we do sometimes buy interesting-looking new snacks. Today they had Reeses's peanut butter stuffed pretzels, so we got some of those to try, and they were really pretty darn good. I never hated peanut butter filled pretzels--we always liked them, in fact. The Reese's version has sweeter peanut butter to contrast more with the salty pretzel, so it's even that much better.
Oh yeah! We watched more Four Knights of the Apocalypse, through episode four. I suppose I have some things to say about it now...maybe.
Most of all, I wanted to comment on the scene where Meliodas and Gawain have their secret meeting, because finally, finally someone commented on the ridiculousness of Merlin's coat. I mean, it's not that ridiculous, in and of itself, but the fact that she doesn't wear a single thing under it is pretty absurd, and I'm glad someone finally said something. I mean, seriously, does she hold it on with glue, or what? (Apparently it's magic, which...is logical, I guess, but it still...)
Guinevere is a fun character so far. I like the way she talks to Arthur, because that dude needs somebody knock him down a peg, and I like that she's not intimidated by anything. I guess that kind of makes sense, because intimidation is a form of fear, and fear usually comes from the unknown, and she already knows everything that's going to happen to her, so what does she have to be scared of? On the other hand, pain still hurts.
...That's all I can think of to say for now. We still have eight episodes! And then we can wait a few more months for the second half.
Today I'm thankful for getting a brief reprieve from the dungeon, Reese's peanut butter filled pretzels, getting to watch more Four Knights of the Apocalypse, getting to watch some great episodes of Miraculous, and getting to sleep in tomorrow.