Oct 17, 2023 21:32
I think we made it, which is to say, I think we're ready for our trip to Japan. At this point, it doesn't matter, though, because our flight is tomorrow and that's that. Unless we miss our flight, which is usually the thing that makes me most nervous. It's weird that travel is so nerve-wracking, because all it is is going to a place. That's it. What is there to be nervous about? I don't know. Fear is a strange thing.
We did have to ask for an extension on one of our titles, and dangit, we had to ask for three weeks. Also, we forgot to do it until after normal office hours, so we don't even know if we'll get it yet! ...But when we asked for an extension on the last volume, our editor said they always schedule in a lot of buffer time, so it should be okay. I really really really hope we can be more on top of things with the next volume.
And that's pretty much it. We'll be bringing all our tech with us, so there's a very slight chance we'll post an update while we're on our trip, but I wouldn't count on it. So that being the case, we'll be back in a couple of weeks.
Today I'm thankful for managing to finish all the work we had on our list today, getting everything packed, having time to watch a little bit of TV, airlines that don't require you to wake up at o'dark thirty, and getting to go to Japan!
japan trip