Isn't it about...time?

Nov 10, 2022 21:21

I fear we have unleashed a monster. Yesterday, we reminded our sister's children that they like to play Nintendo Switch with us, so we were expecting a phonecall today, maybe, if they remembered. Lo and behold, they did remember! We had finished part of one project and were just getting into this week's anime simulcast when Grawp called, and we were ready to turn on Splatoon! But, to be polite, I said, "We can play something else if you want."

So we played Minecraft instead. Yay. It was cute, though, because Athena found a cave, and there was a really deep dark pit, and she ended up at the bottom of it, and the walls were too high to jump out of, and it was too dark to really see anything to mine, so she just...stayed there. She thought Grawp might teleport her out, but she didn't ask him to and he didn't think of it. So like ten minutes later, he asks, "Where are you?" "I'm still stuck in this cave." "Really?" And then he returned to whatever he was doing. Athena remained stuck until she got bored enough to mine her way out. Good times.

Hagger had already laid claim to the next hour, when it would be his turn with the Switch, and he was eager to destroy her in Splatoon. Athena doesn't mind going easy on the kids, but when he starts talking like, "No, we can't choose this stage; I would crush you too easily," then she gets indignant. Nevertheless, she only beat him once.

It was long past our usual quitting time by then, but we needed to make up for our usual slacking, so we had a snack and went back to work. We worked for another half an hour, and then Athena's phone rang again. Little Hermie had finally earned her Switch time and now she wanted to play, too. And she's just too cute to refuse.

By then we figured work was a lost cause, so we called it a day. And now here we are. We're pretty sure we made good enough progress that we haven't ruined all our future plans. I guess we'll find out for sure...probably not until next week, actually. We're really not sure how long any of our current projects will take. But we'll make it work.

Today I'm thankful for getting to spend time with our niece and nephews, remembering ways to make Minecraft more fun, making fairly decent progress on work despite our slacking, having some Klondike Cones to look forward to, and the new Pokemon games coming very soon.

splatoon, family stuff, minecraft

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