Apr 18, 2005 18:25
Well, I survived! *Big Smile* But I feel like I'm going to collapse from exhaustion any moment now.
I didn't do much Sunday, except sleep (Ben's bed is really comfortable) and watch movies. And bang my head off the car door..... Long story.
Today was.... well.... I didn't go to any of my classes after Lunch, because I was helping Mrs. Piester, and I don't really care that I missed them, because she gave me some candy. In my mental state, I'm like a 4 year old.... Candy made me overjoyed.
At 1:30 most of the Peer Assistant people (including myself, duh) went to the Elementary, and I (by myself, eek!) talked to a group of 5 graders about why they shouldn't break out in fights at school. All the kids in there, even some of the girls, were really um.... well versed in the subject. My favorite part was when I dissed this one kid, and Mrs. Schawlm agreed with me. Then I borrowed a Stop and Think, and the next person to talk without permission would get it. No one else talked, I was surprised, but this was after I yelled at them to shut up, and they said I sounded like my mom. Hm....
Oh yeah. I forgot to say something that Ben told me.... He said that he had missed me all week, and wasn't used to not seeing me on Friday night. I told him that I was going to Chicago next Friday, and he's like "oh man....". I think that this guy actually likes me!
I think I'm going to go to bed now, despite the fact that I'm so behind in my homework. Oh well.