Apr 16, 2005 08:55
I hate this. I always say something to make my mom cry, and it's pathetic how she walks around the house sniffling. This is going to be a fucking great weekend that I can just add on to a fucking great day!
Here's my schedule---
10:30- Leave to get hair done on L-town
11:00- Appointment, duh
12:30-1:00- Come home, hopefully my hair dosen't take that long
1:00- Kris is coming over to do my makeup
1:30- She goes home, I go to Ben's, and his mom is doing my nails. Whoo! Free Stuff!
4:30- Leave Ben's house, go to High school
5:00- Prominade starts, I'm second to last in line... YES!
I'm not sure what time the actual dance is, but after that is Prom, and then After prom and then the next morning....
6:00- Get back to VIT from where ever we went, so somewhere for breakfast, then back to Ben's house.
10:00- Go to church. That's right. I'm going to Church.
11:30- Finally get home. Collapse on bed and snore.
This is going to be fun!!!
*Nervous Scream*