Mar 10, 2005 21:25
so, guys and dolls was yesterday, it was alright but dragged on a bit. got very stressed just before the second half, cos as we were goin out esme put a plastic cup upside down on my head cos she 'didnt know' that there was still coke in it, so it went all on the top of my head and then went down my back. urgh. and then wen we got to the row where our seats were and then samantha stabbed me in the leg and i like had a spasm and fell over ... literally. i was amazingly please that there was a chair to fall onto. (few) and then i paid georgia a pound to save some of her coke so i could put it on esmes head but then some retard woman with freakin frizzy hair like would not sit still until she knew wot the cup of coke that i had put on the floor was, so her daughter knocked it over. i mean wot the fuk! wot if i wanted to drink it or somethin? and u know the worse thing? i lost my pound. god dam it. skool today was fine. ict! HA! mr.morris? fuk ive actually forgotten his name....christ i actually have. anway ye so he is a wanker and like our class makes him cry after nearly all of our lessons. he sits and the front like with tears buildin up in his eye. ha. wot a twat. reports came today, its pretty good. worst grades and shit was for science. but o well. i know im not good at it anyway. so ye. im off.