Nov 23, 2004 18:13
spent bout half an hour standing in the ball court at skool today thinkin that we would be aloud to go home cos there was some sort of a bomb scare or something. the police came and everything but must of either figured out it was a joke - like it probably most definetly was, or it wasnt a bomb scare and our skool was just bein crappy. so anyway that was friggin annoyin cos everyone thought they were gona go home but then suddenly we were told to just go to our first lesson. so that was really shit. wot else happened today? got put in a new bloody seatin plan for geography that was bloody gay. cos i liked my old seat cos i was at the bak and everything. it was grand. but now ive been put on the second to bak row...basically the second row and im next to cameron...yes not to bad, but robert is no longer there for me to copy of. so that is very gay. i think baxter is leavin our skool on friday. cos he was sposed to move durin the summer holidays but didnt, and he was sayin something in maths about him and his family finally decidin to move, so i think he is actually goin. but i dont care, im quite pleased actually. hes annoyin. him and jordan...god they make u want to punch them in the face sometimes. but u cant because u know that they would kill u. lol. actually ide prefer jordan to leave the little dik hed. dont like him at all. lol, some guy called vladimere (yes! vladimere!) started to cry today cos mathew in 9l was flikin stuff at his eye...and apparently he goes to anger managment cos he cant control his anger...**cough cough** maybe it was because he was givin the name vladimere?