Update + funny boys

Aug 17, 2007 11:42

Update - The N Level prelims just ended today, and by right the marks are due in 1 hr 15 mins (1pm Friday 17 Aug). Which is an unrealistic deadline for me, seeing that my paper was on Monday, and it is a content subject, and I hae 100 scripts to mark. The boys had to answer 3 out of 5 questions, but of course, not all chose the same questions, so I'll have to get in the mindset of all 5. Furthermore, this is a content subject. The only way I'll finish is 1) if I do not have to prepare lessons for my other classes, 2) actually go to class for my other classes and 3) on top of 1) and 2), I survive on 4 hrs of sleep every night. And since I do not have that luxury, I'm not done.

And I miss Mini-Me. I miss his "Hand in on Monday lah! No problem what!" The teacher covering for him is one of those anal types, and when I told her that I would not be able to hand in today (I warned her early on in the week), she was all "But the work schedule says it must be in Friday 1pm" Excuse me, but I'm not going to kill myself over this, after all, I'm "only a relief teacher", right?

Anyway, I'll complete the marking over the weekend, and then turn my attention to furiously preparing the 4E boys for the O Level Prelims, which is the week after.

On the bright side, I had a few humourous incidents in class. My 4E class, actually.

Yesterday, when they came in after recess, one boy asked for permission to go to the gents. Of course I said no, because he should have gone during recess. He then launched into a long sob story about how he had to stay back and only had 10 mins for recess and so on. I shut him up by asking him to let me greet the class first. While waiting for the boys to settle down, his best buddy in class mouthed to me "He's lying".

Somehow, it doesn't sound very funny now. Hmmm... Maybe I was easily amused yesterday.

The second incident was today. The class was taking a really long time to settle down after greeting me, and so I sent them to line up outside the class. One boy promptly went out, while the others took their time. One voice piped up:

"Do we have to line up in twos?"
"Do we have to hold hands?"
"Do we have to put our fingers to our lips?"

And they did. Well, most of them. Some were too macho to be sporting.
A class of tall, lanky teenage boys, standing hand in hand (some swung their hands) with their fingers on their lips like primary school students.

I tried not to be amused, but failed when one asked "Cher, aren't we cute?"

A boy from the next class popped out of the class to look for some students, caught sight of them, looked puzzled for a moment, before shaking it off (literally) and continued with what he had popped out to do.

career, funny

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