Sheesh, in all my 6 years of playing Y!PP, I never saw as much crew/guild drama as I've gotten from 6 months of WoW. Just when I think things are stable, boom goes the dynamite again. I was already pretty depressed tonight before the latest upset so sorry if this sounds overly dramatic (I really just have a talent for making things sound more than they are, I should totally have been a writer. Probably for a bad soap opera.), I just don't like getting the rug swept out from under me. Repeatedly.
The boring details: Our de facto-guild leader (we have a council, but he's the one who usually gets things rolling) quit WoW to focus on RL. He was my in-game mentor and we talked lots for a couple of months - I guess the fact that he's been on a bit less and we've barely talked should have been somewhat of a red flag, but I'm pretty slow on the uptake. And to make things more interesting, another guild member (one of my favorite ones) proposed we merge with the guild of assholes that broke off from us after a blow-up with the aforementioned leaving council member. Sounds like it'll be voted down, but then we're left with another dissatisfied council member and that's just another ticking bomb.
TL;DR: Guild drama is more fun on The Guild.
Some TV stuff to make me think about something else:
- Watched the pilot of Being Human (US) and quite hated it. Even if it had been well-cast and well-written, which it really wasn't, it's still the same basic show as the UK version and that's just kinda dull. Also, Mark Pellegrino? You deserve better, dude.
- Also watched the Harry's Law pilot, and it was sugary and syrapy but I'll totally keep watching because hey, I still freaking watch GLEE. So, yeah, I have no standards when it comes to fluff.
- HIMYM rocked it this week, which is weird to say about a comedy show doing a whole episode at a funeral where the most memorable moments were ones that definitely didn't make me chuckle, but there it is.
Yesterday I finished watching Parenthood s1, and these are my thoughts:
1. Man, these people yell A LOT.
2. I miss Gilmore Girls, I miss Lorelai and Lauren Graham getting to be funny and awesome as well as heart-breaking.
3. Kristen Bell's Boyfriend Dax Shepard is kind of one of the highlights of the show! Very surprising, especially since his storyline doesn't exactly strike any chords with me. Almost makes me wish I could stop calling him Kristen Bell's Boyfriend Dax Shepard, but that is still his most redeeming quality.
4. I might stand to watch this if it wasn't for the constant irritation over the Asperger-issue, but there it is, all annoying and stupidly handled. Way to highlight the low points and completely ignore the positives, show. In some ways TV still is in black and white, I guess. Also, that kid is kind of the most annoying kid I've ever seen, fictional or real.