Aaaaand cue the emo

Nov 19, 2010 22:48

Ugh. Appearantly it's that time of the month again when even super-awesome Community episodes can only keep me happy for about 5 minutes. Oh joy.

Seriously though, that was an awesome episode. So happy to see they haven't completely buried all the shippy stuff, because that's been eating at me for a while now. You opened the big can of shippery worms, Dan Harmon, ignoring it won't make it go away. Ever. Still not sure which ships I ship more than the other ships, but I do know I hate to see popular, non-annoying ships be mistreated.
Troy and Abed's blanket fort was hilarious, especially the chase scene and that weird, random, trippy Britta-thing. Lolwut? And Leonard looting (a minioven? Lunchbox? Toy TV?). And Pierce's Mom's Memorial Wing. I only wish the tag had been of them building a cardboard submarine, that sounded awesome...

Misfits was a bit of a bummer at times, but in a good way. Well, except the opening scene, and now I'm really regretting my choice of words in both "bummer" and "opening"... :p Ahem. Lets move on. It was a good episode, is what I'm saying, but not as awesome as last week. And I'm a bit sad Nathan didn't die this week, I was hoping that would become a thing. Cue Resty telling me to watch South Park? :p

Anyways, what's really bumming me out is WoW. Not the game because that's still awesome and addictive, but it seems the guild I'm in is kinda falling apart, and what's worse is I think I kinda want it to. :/ Just seems like it's built on a not very strong foundation (guild starter appearantly has a habit of starting and ditching guilds) and now everyone's leaving to join a rival guild (started by disgruntled ex-members) and just ... blaaah. On the other hand I really don't want to find a new guild either. IDK, I just wish I could have gotten to be in a functioning guild for 6 months of playing atleast, before things started falling apart. This is what I get for joining a 6 year old game. Anyone know of any good betas starting now?

And to top things off, the second part of my rootcanal trilogy is on Monday, I don't have any chocolate at home and it's DEFINITELY that time of the month coming up... :( I'm gonna go watch Community again and see if that helps. 

tv: community, games: misc, tv: misfits, misc: bitching and moaning

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