What's the least awkward way to inform someone online who's showing interest in you (in that way) - without having seen you or even known you that long - that it's just not ... happening? Like, at all, for so many reasons? I don't have this trouble a lot - even on the internet my brutal honesty (which includes an unflattering account of what I really look like) and general annoyingness keeps people away for the most part. When it does happen I usually hem and haw until they give up and move on but that can take a while.
It's just so hard to explain (preferably briefly) that it's not that I don't WANT to see you - it's just that in order for me to do so circumstances have to be just right, and they pretty much never can be! Not unless you're crazy too, and in that case you probably feel the same as I do about meeting people. Try and put all that in a sentence that doesn't make people ask a lot of follow-ups - not that I mind questions (I actually kind of like them in a way, makes me feel like I'm exotic and weeeird!), but sometimes you're busy and just don't have the time to explain it all.
I'm seriously considering making a website and posting the story of my life, maybe including a picture, as sort of an all-purpose deterrent/warning flag. Don't bother with the ugly crazy person. Would that be too hostile? Maybe I need to be, cause being nice seems to just encourage people. :/
Maybe I'm just being PMS-y, it's that time. My head hurts like a bitch and I've switched to an all-chocolate-and-painkillers diet. :p Pity nao plx.
On to lighter things: Criminal Minds is fucked. Cutting two of the three female roles for financial reasons would have been bad enough - doing it for "creative reasons" is just pure bullshit. I really wish they would have cut Reid and Garcia so my two reasons for watching could be eliminated (they deserve bigger roles, anyway), now I don't know if I'll be able to keep watching. JJ is the team mom and the girl-pretty of the show, I don't think it'll work without her. Prentiss can go, but the one that really needs to be kicked to the curb is Rossi. He's the fun-vampire of that show, he's like this big black hole of boring that sucks in all the interesting bits and makes them dull.
I forgot to do meme yesterdays, so two days today!
Day 01 - A show that never should have been cancelled Day 02 - A show you wish more people were watching Day 03 - Your favorite new show (aired this TV season)
Day 04 - Your favorite show ever
Day 05 - A show you hate Day 06 - Favorite episode of your favorite TV showDay 07 - Least favorite episode of your favorite TV show Day 08 - A show everyone should watchDay 09 - Best scene ever Day 10 - A show you thought you wouldn't like but ended up lovingDay 11 - A show that disappointed youDay 12 - An episode you've watched more than 5 times Day 13 - Favorite childhood show Day 14 - Favorite male characterDay 15 - Favorite female character Day 16 - Your guilty pleasure show Day 17 - Favorite mini series
Not sure if it counts as mini because I think there was a possibility of a s2, but I consider it a mini and am sooo glad they left it there. Sometimes less is more, and I don't think I would be rewatching it as often if it had kept going.
If you're not familiar, Jekyll is a modern reworking of exactly what you think it is. It stars James Nesbitt who I hated before watching this and now adore to bits and pieces, Gina Bellman who also got major bonuspoints in my book for her role her, Michelle Ryan who you'll know from Doctor Who's Planet of the Dead and Merlin, and Paterson Joseph (Survivors) who is FABULOUSLY EVIL.
*Starts humming "In The Jungle"*
Runners ups:
Dead Set
Creepiest fucking thing I've ever seen. I hadn't watched that many gory movies and such when I saw this, but it inspired me to watch more because after how gross and disturbing this show was, anything else had to look like kids stuff (and it has). Great way to get over your issues with TV/movie gore in one traumatic and awesome experience. The Plot: the zombie apocalypse breaks out and some of the last people standing are the ones locked in the Big Brother house. Hee.
There's a scene where they dance and mime to "Boy With A Thorn In His Side", and David Tennant is in it. This is all you need to know.
Day 18 - Favorite title sequence
1. Carnivále
Click to view
I've adored this intro for years, even now that the show's mostly faded in my mind it's the first thing that pops up when I think about awesome intros. It's atmospheric and haunting and absolutely gorgeous and the music is so beautiful and subtle and perfect.
2. True Blood
It's a bit too long, I'd be happier if it cut off before the guitar solo bit, but it's insanely pretty and moody and perfect and the song is just so right for the show.
3. Dead Like Me
Funny, clever, weird, suiting the show perfectly and the music is just so weirdly right.
4. Six Feet Under
I don't know if I like the show anymore, I stopped watching somewhere in the middle there and when I think about it now I just remember a lot of emo-angst and swearing and annoying stuff. But the intro cannot be denied, it's one of the best ever.
5. Angel/Buffy/Firefly
With the exception of Dollhouse, Whedon makes really good opening credits. Still get sniffly and sentimental whenever I see/hear the intros. (The Dollhouse one just needed a new song, too, visually it was good.)
Day 19 - Best TV show cast
Day 20 - Favorite kiss
Day 21 - Favorite ship
Day 22 - Favorite series finale
Day 23 - Most annoying character
Day 24 - Best quote
Day 25 - A show you plan on watching (old or new)
Day 26 - OMG WTF? Season finale
Day 27 - Best pilot episode
Day 28 - First TV show obsession
Day 29 - Current TV show obsession
Day 30 - Saddest character death