This Steam summer sale is gonna be the death of me, I swear. I normally buy like one game every 6 months/a year, and this past week or so I've bought 6 (Bioshock, Mass Effect 2, Half Life 1+2, Deadlight, and a useless and unplayable version of Killing Floor that I bitterly regret) and I cannot promise I'll resist if any more pop up. In fact I'm
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I looove Bioshock, I agree, the atmosphere is amazing - the old timey songs in the background is my favorite detail - and the bad guys are perfect, the Big Daddys are legit terrifying to me (I hid from one yesterday for like 5 min because I didn't want to fight his scary ass). I'm saving the little sisters naturally, they're so cute when they've been "cleansed" or whatever, I like that it rewards you for saving them - great example of how media can influence you in small ways to make moral decisions.
Did you play Infinite yet? I want that one too but it's too expensive still, I could get 4-5 games for the same price.
Not loving Half-Life so far, mostly because of the old graphics, but I'll keep playing. I didn't love ME at first either, it took me ages to play past that snowy planet where you first drive the mako, but I finished it not that long ago and ended up liking it a lot in the end.
Please do rec games, I can put them on my Steam wishlist! I would looove a PS3, I've heard of the second game but not the first, they both look amazing. I want to save up for one, maybe I can get one in the after-Christmas sales or something.
I like Vampire Tara, but they've done a shite job with exploring that and giving her screentime at all, lately it's like she's just Pam's sidekick. And yeah, Lafayette's back and then he has to go get fucking possessed again, so typical. I like that Sookie came to him for advice, I kinda wish it had been JUST that and not also a seance. Bad decisions, yeah, that seems to be the tagline for this show. ><
I stopped a season or two ago, I just got sick of it and felt like it should have ended already, but I'll finish it up once everything's aired so I can just marathon it and be done with it. Not here for what they did with Debbie and Dex though, reading those spoilers was the final nail in the coffin. I've never read their relationship as anything but platonic so I felt like they were making something out of nothing and twisting what's been the heart of the show for me. No matter how it plays out I hate that they went there at all.
Haha yes, the Big Daddies are pretty intimidating at first! You know you actually play as one in the second game though? I always harvested the Little Sisters since you get more ADAM that way, and I guess because I'm a terrible person :p But you're right, they more than make up for it if you choose to save them instead. No, I haven't played Infinite yet either but I can't wait to because it looks just as good as the first one!
Ah, yeah Half-Life is getting really old. I played that forever ago and if I was to do that today it would be more for the nostalgia, so I absolutely understand what you mean. Haha, I had almost forgotten how slow Mass Effect is in the beginning! ME2 is very different though, there's much more (and better) action and the story is more focused. I think you'll love it since you liked the first one :)
Sure! I don't know what you already played of course, but yeah let's see...
Resident Evil and Dead Space
I know you must already know about these and I would probably be more surprised if you didn't already play RE. If you haven't though, you need to at least play 4, it's the first one with good graphics and it's absolutely brilliant. After 4, the games started to resemble the movies a lot more and that means the puzzle elements that made the games so popular were pretty much dropped completely in favor of straight up action. I still like 5 a lot as well, but I wouldn't recommend 6 because they made some pretty bad decisions with that one. Dead Space was clearly insipired by RE and it's just as good, if not better. Basically, the only difference is you're in space, and instead of zombies, you kill Necromorphs. Yeah, actually they're in fact zombies too :p
These are about The Four Horsemen and they're a lot of fun. First one is about War and the second is about Death. They're third person action but there's a lot of puzzle-solving and stuff in them as well. In the end of both, there's even some light Portal-ing (which I did know you liked because I'm a lurking lurker that lurks)! You should play them both in order for the story, but the sequel is actually better in almost every way. There are unusually strong RPG-elements in it for this genre, and in ways it almost feels like an offline MMO since there's tons of loot and collectibles and stuff.
I won't go into detail about these but you should also check out Kingdoms of Amalur, Skyrim, Arkham Asylum/City, Dark Souls (my favorite game of all time, but unfortunately the PC version does not compare to the console version), Borderlands, Dead Island, The Witcher, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Fallout 3.
Yeah, PS4 is coming out sometime before xmas so now/then is either the worst or the best time to get a PS3. I mean, their price will obviously drop a lot but new games will still be made for some time, and PS4 is not backwards compatible (at least not at launch). Prices for PS3 games will drop as well and there are dozens of great PS3 exclusives. Another absolutely fantastic thing is Playstation +, which you pay a small sub fee for (200 SEK or so for 3 months I think) to get free access to some new downloadable retail games each month and a lot of discounts and stuff. It's awesome. It's actually a lot like Steam!
Exactly! Character development is great, but the writer's on this show seem to have decided that MOOORE is more and so they make everyone so extreme that they become unrecognizable in the end. I think that is my one biggest problem with TB.
Ugh, that. Yeah I really can't imagine what they were thinking, besides the fact that it was a really fucking stupid thing to do, it's probably also the most unnecessary thing any show has ever done. - They hardly ever even brought it up again! I pretty much just ignored it because I still loved the show and I still do, but something feels off this season, the writing feels more sloppy than ever at times. I would never spoil anything but I mean, Dex actually being able to get into Deb's computer by guessing her password was "fucking password"? A cannibal that would be all neat and set the table like Hannibal, but then cook some stew with a simple chopped off finger in it? So ridiculous.
Sounds good about ME2, might make it my next project after I'm done with BS.
I've watched the RE movies obvsly, but I've only attempted to play one game - for Wii, which I stupidly bought years back and practically never ever uses. It was terrible, the game, shaky controls and very clumsy in general. I didn't play much of it.
The only reason I haven't played any more is that it's one of those big franchises where it's hard to know where to start and if you have to start from the beginning which means old ugly graphics. Although, if the early ones have puzzle aspects then I'm intrigued, I loooove puzzley games. Dead Space looks a little rar-rar actiony, but I'll add it to my Steam wishlist for a rainy day! (Turns out it was actually already on my wishlist!)
Darksiders looks slightly reminiscent of World of Warcraft, graphics-wise!
Of the other games you mentioned I've only played Dead Island, but Skyrim and Borderlands and possibly another one or two are on my wishlist already. I'll add the rest as well!
Yeah my problem with consoles has always been that there's a new one every freaking 5 minutes which means you don't just have to buy expensive games but also a new really expensive console. I mean it's sort of the same with a PC, but I use my PC for like 20 different things, but a console is a one-purpose machine.
I did see something that suggested the industry might be moving to upgradable consoles, meaning you wouldn't have to buy a completely new one, so if that happens I'll be a lot more inclined to get one. Until then it'll have to be if I can find one cheap.
I have so many problems with TB I wouldn't even know where to begin tbh. I don't know why I watch, partly out of boredom and partly out of habit I guess.
Yeah I saw a gif set about the password thing on Tumblr and seriously thought it was someone making a joke - until I saw the same thing in a different gif set. >< They should have ended it years ago.
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