Today is not that day.
My thoughts on the episode summed up by one gif:
Pretty much. I mean, as a character she's pretty standard for Dr Who (many people are saying for Moffat but lets be honest, Rose and Martha atleast weren't all that different, and there are some major similarities with Donna too - DW just isn't a show to stray from what works. There's plenty of other, far more deserving things to go *SHAKEFIST* "MOFFAT!!!" at.), but gosh darnit that actress is cute. She's like a freaking Disney cartoon! It should be annoying how cute she is, but somehow it's only annoying in a "how are you so perfect??" kind of way. So yeah, she may not be original, like, at ALL, but considering how I feel about it when Moffat goes original on this show I feel like this is a good thing. Because speaking of: I'm already dead-sick of her dying every 5 minutes, that is one thing that should not be replicated, so if we could move on from that that would be great because it is seriously the worst and most stupid plot device ever. Like, I know Doctor Who has been a major contributor to the Death is Cheap page at TVTropes for a long time, but at this rate they're going to have to make a new page solely dedicated to DW called "Death is Free - Hell, We'll Pay You".
Sigh. I never thought I'd wistfully say this, but: remember when RTD was boss and made us bawl our eyes out without even killing people?
I mean, that was some straight-up skills, compared to Moffat's "lets throw death at the wall and see what sticks" method. Look at her: she's fine, the Doctor's fine, she's in a perfectly nice universe with her mom and her pal, and yet that is 100 times more sad than all of Rory and Clara's deaths (so far) combined. Sure, that's partly because Billie Piper is a champion crier, but my point still stands.
Two things I have major issues with but am trying to ignore on the basis that this was never the most logical of shows anyway:
1. As has been pointed out by many, Clara's complete lack of knowledge about the Internet? DUMB. NAY, DUMBEST. And worse was the fact that her making a casual reference to Twitter convinced the Doctor she suddenly had gotten skills - I could have bought it as her trying to be cute otherwise. I mean, I spend all day with my computer and I've had those moments of like "WHAT BUTTON DO I PRESS, WHERE IS THE WIFI", especially on a new comp, and obviously you can find it and you know what the internet is and how it works, but you just can't get it to work and you feel dumb so you play up the dumbness and mock yourself so no one else has to bother. And when calling tech support I feel like I pretty much always sound like a complete imbecile. So yeah, I can buy that thing with her going "herp-derp", but her not knowing what Twitter is until she's been upgraded with hacker skillz? LMAO NO. And if knowing what Twitter is is a sign you're a genius hacker then the world would be ruled by teenagers. (I almost said idiots but... Yeah.)
2. Death is not just cheap on this show, it's also annoyingly inconsistent. Which, yeah, it's a silly scifi show, but it's just getting to the point where you can't ignore it and suspend your disbelief for it anymore. And I'm pretty damned awesome at suspending my disbelief - I've watched enough shows on CW to earn my badge. It's just so random depending on which episode it is, and which character, if death can be reversed or avoided at the last second. And that especially, the avoiding, that bugs me. Like, the plane here? That's avoidable, but when a single person falls to their doom (as they have so many times on this show) he can't just TARDIS in and save them in the nick of time?
Final note: Ten and Rose coming back for the anniversary ep has me 100% excited and 5% worried. However, those 5% are just concerning how badly they're going to make me miss them and make me wish I could TARDIS back to their seasons, or even better to the moment where Tennant decided to leave so that I could chain him to the TARDIS and throw the key into a black hole. If Moffat even dares to do them any sort of injustice (which I highly doubt, because not even he is that crazy and suicidal) then I'll just add that to the pile of things to ignore with this show, which, coincidentally, is probably large and compact enough to turn into a black hole sooner or later. (Probably not how black holes work, yeah. I'm just trying to be cute. Sorry.)
ETA: Because this post just felt WRONG without a Ten-gif:
And goodnight.