Basically? It appears that, in lieu of a fandom obsession, my obsessed-with-obsessing brain has decided to latch onto .. what is actually technically both a sport and a deadly weapon. If that isn't out of character enough for me, I don't know what is. This is like, one tiny step away from me being obsessed with football - which, FYI and BTW, is when you need to start suspecting I've been bodyswapped/cloned/mindwashed/plain old lost my marbles. But I guess this makes some kinda sense for me: my main in WoW is a hunter and it is highly fashionable these days (Hawkeye, Katniss, Allison, Arrow, that guy in Revolution. Plus Darryl in TWD has a crossbow.) and I am easily influenced by such things.
Still, I think this is first time I've been obsessed with something non-fictiony since that time in gradeschool I spent 6 months obsessed with horses and riding (I got out before they could do any damage to me - the horses or the bitchy stable girls). Well, I did have a wee bit of a dance obsession for a bit too, but that passed before I could get any harmful exercise done. Actually ... then there was the language obsession in high school (I was gonna be a translator - which I still would like to but am way too lazy to actually learn any languages anymore), and the philosophy one (still got that too, but again, too lazy to actually learn stuff). You know what, scratch that, this is actually a regularly scheduled event, pretty much: my quinquennially foray into non-fiction (I totally just looked that word up with Google. Lazily.).
Flashpoint: Well that was depressing. Doubly so since, for the first half hour, I was really digging this episode! And then, in the middle of me complimenting them on their likable and interesting Characters of the Week, it all goes straight to hell in like, 2 seconds flat. Color me sucker-punched with a side of stunned. In the blink of an eye they did the impressive task of making me dislike every single character - I don't think any show has ever done that before. Not in one scene. So yeah, that was depressing as hell.
Parks & Rec: Lucky this show was back to cheer me up with it's adorableness. I admit, I giggled mightily at John McCain's cameo, and not just because I always find him to be hilarious (he's like the dottering old geezer in movies! It's like he's putting on a show, no one can be that geezer-y on purpose!). Other favorite moments: Ron + anything on the subject of meat is always a winner, Ben and Leslie being adorable still works for me (please show, don't break them up for the sake of cheap drama? I beg of you.), as does April and Andy. Tom and Ann ... well, atleast they're broken up, that's the important thing. Donna remains fabulous and classy. Jerry remains ... Jerry. Andy would totally need to be my tour guide if I ever went ANYWHERE.
To sum up: Welcome back Show, I missed yooou! <3
Awkward.: Mmmmmmmmkay? Weirdly I think I ended up on Team Jake there. Or possibly Team Tamara? Or maybe even Team Clark, IDK. It was a bit of a weird ep. Was that the season finale? I feel like it's been the season finale 4 weeks in a row now, I keep thinking that's it and then nope, there's another ep.
Lastly, I submit this as evidence that Homer Simpson and Andy Dwyer has to be related in some way. Possibly they're even the same person.
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