Blerg. There was nothing to do in WoW so I ended up spending most of the evening catching up on TV - by which I mean mostly having the TV on while poking around on my phone installing ALL THE APPS (my favorite new one is OMG! Button!, it's very lucky I don't have real friends or else my over-use of that app would totally drive them away). Still, thoughts were had, plus there's the usual GOOD Friday shows, and I have some more time to kill before I feel ready to go to bed.
Hawaii 5-0:
Um, okay. Look, it's not like I was in any way attached to Blondie (I think her name was Lauren, but I'm not even sure about that), or invested to what happened to her, but like ... I kinda expected SOMETHING to happen to her? Not that she'd just hang around for a while and then slink off all boring-like. So yeah, way to surprise me in the least exciting way possible, I guess?
Also, Show, you are officially approaching the limit of how many times you can play the "5-0 is over" card. Please insert more awesomeness to continue or find another plot idea.
The Vampire Diaries:
Aww maaaan. I was wishing SO HARD for the first half of that spell to actually work - for the Originals to become human again. Wouldn't that have been just completely delightful? Seeing Elijah struggle to open a particularly tricky jar when he's used to being able to juggle cars? Klaus suddenly being the WEAK one in the Klaus/Caroline ship (aka my new fave, btw). Rebekah suddenly having to worry about pimples and calories? (Okay okay, maybe not that last one, this IS The CW after all...) I just, I really wanted to see them having to suddenly cope with humanity, that would have been so much fuuuuun. Oh well, someone will probably fic it?
But yeah, other than that, all relief at the failure of the spell - I want to keep the Originals foreeeeever. Except Finn, obviously, because Finn sucks. But Rebekah and Elijah and Klaus - kinda can't imagine the show without them now. Tyler can stay gone for all I care, Bonnie can transfer over to The Secret Circle where she'd go from being the lame boring one to the second most exciting one, and I totally expected Matt to die last episode and I would be sad but okay with that.
Parks & Rec:
Good as usual, but slightly less good than usual? IDK, I'm not a huuuuge Dave fan, although I find his policeyness hilarious and Ben being terrified of cops was also funny. Something was a bit off though, maybe the Ann/Tom thing because it just felt like he was annoying all episode and then he DID literally wear her down with whining and lameness? I wanted him to base up and be a real boy and win her THAT way.
Possibly my favorite thing of the episode was April smashing the tamborines at Jerry and snatching the flyer or whatever of Ron/Duke.
The Big Bang Theory:
The Penny/Amy thing was totally dull so skipping right over that to talk about the weird gigglefits I had over seeing Sheldon and Kripke attempt sports. Oh man, that takes me back to gym classes past! The running after the stupid ball that always kept one armlength ahead of you! Ducking! Attempting, and failing, to dribble! Ah, memories. Misty, tear-and-sweat-soaked memories.
House of Lies:
Blah blah Showtimeyness, blah. Really getting annoyed with how we get 2 scenes with Jeannie and like, 12 on how Marty is God's Gift to the Universe and Especially Women gross and unlikable. Oh yeah, and another 10 on his son being treated like this is the 1960s, but I guess in the States it's possible that's how it actually is, IDK.
Gaaah, I really really just wish this show could live up to its opening credits! It feels really weird saying that because it's usually the other way around, but it's the truth. That short intro to the show is what I wish the show was actually like, all suspense and mystery and delicious creepiness! But instead it's moving SO SLOW. Like, I'm pretty sure TVD would have covered the same amount of plot in half of one episode, and still have had time to kill 5 people and forge 10 fascinating and unexpected alliances, I'm just sayin. There's some potential in this show for sure, it's just a shame 99% of it is in the opening sequence.
Happy Endings:
Okay, I'm probably going to piss off most of my flist now, but WHY DOES EVERYONE LOVE THIS SHOW SO MUCH? Sure has some occassional moments of cute/funny (like every Friends-like show that comes around on a regular basis), but it's GOOD, not great! And certainly not any bigger words than great! And this episode was terrible and annoying, I hated all the characters at some point and most of them all throughout the episode.
/Grouchy rant over.
And lookit that, still not ready to go to bed, ever after all this rambling. You know what that means! Or possibly you don't, but anyway, what it means is: IT'S MEME TIME! I've been hamstering them for just such an occasion, this one I stole from
catteo a while back. Although I may have Done It Wrong, but whateverrrr.
1. Who is the one celebrity you'd like to compete on The Amazing Race with?
Well, first of all I'd never compete on The Amazing Race because I'm laaaazy and hate to travel, but if I had to?
2. Would you win? Why? Why not?
Probably, because if I do decide on doing something I can be incredibly determined and competetive. Then again, probably not.
3. If you could put together a musical supergroup of five different members, who would they be?
IDK, I don't think anything would really sound good if you just clobbered it together with random parts. This is probably why I generally don't like generic pop music.
4. Summer or winter?
SUMMER. I mean, winter has it's perks - I get to stay inside for weeks and weeks without interruption, my moodiness and depression is accepted and considered valid, and I do like the dark of night. But there's no getting around the fact that I do feel like I have a 10 story building placed on my chest from October to April.
5. If you could write ONE episode for ONE television show, what show would it be and what would happen?
Oh maaan, how in the HELL am I supposed to pick one? Do you know how many shows out there could use my help? Basically all of them! I guess since it's fresh on my mind I'll go with Alcatraz, and my episode would introduce a whole slew of new, actually fascinating characters (perhaps a bomb blows up that think-tank room of Hausers and replaces the nameless boring nerds with some actually interesting people? And atleast one of the former prisoners/guards would join the investigation team full time.) and it would be so jampacked with action it made the opening credits look like Lost's boring title screen of yaaaawn.
Or it'd be Hart of Dixie, and the whole episode would focus on Wade developing a shirt-allergy and having to go see Doctor Summer about it, and the entire episode would consist of them alternating between bickering and Doing It.
6. What do you know about Tasmania (no Wikipedia-cheating!)?
Well I accidentally read some of catteo's answer, but I'll try and surpress that and go with what else I know, which is ... not much. I'm pretty sure it's down by Australia/New Zealand (next to or below NZ?), it may or may not also be an annoying cartoon character. I think that's it.
7. Do you speak a second (third, fourth) language?
Swedish and English, that's it. But I just downloaded a "learn French" app on my cell, so who knows, maybe I'll be fluent soon (no I won't be).
8. Dresses or jeans?
Dresses, if only because I HATE JEANS. They are never comfortable, they look terrible on me and they itch and they are the WORST. They look great on other people though, which only makes me hate them more... >_>
9. What is your favourite book?
ALL THE PRATCHETTS, which I have been re-reading pre-bedtime lately for like, the 6th time. Although now I only have the Rincewind ones left and those are my least favorite. :/
Also all of the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher, and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy which is basically like, THE classic of all times. Like, it makes Shakespeare look like Harlequin romance novels.
10. Your most embarrassing fandom related moment.
So many, I don't even know what to pick. I'm gonna go with my Sunset Beach obsession, because I was some full-on CRAZY over that shit. Like, I videotaped episodes! Of a DAYTIME SOAPOPERA. So ... yeah. That.
11. A small fandom that you would recommend I get involved in (because I'm lazy like that...!!)
HART OF DIXIE. It is the TV equivalent to having kittens shoved down your shirt or your eyeballs scrubbed with rainbows - it may not make sense but it is DELIGHTFUL. Why everyone isn't watching it, I have no idea, but people do seem to slowly be jumping onboard and that makes me like, ridiculously happy.
Also, as always, the feel-good happy funtime shows of Cougar Town, Community and Parks & Rec, all of which should be winning all the awards and having all the ratings and, for some inexplicable reason, isn't.