I'm kinda all over the place right now. Like, I'm pretty sure there are pieces of my brain scattered in Siberia, because they sure aren't where they're supposed to be. It seems the only thing I can focus on for five seconds is TV/movies and the only thing I can focus on longer than that is WoW. I finally managed to wrestle myself into doing my mom-shopping yesterday (Chistmas and B-day present), one week before Christmas. I hope the stuff arrives on time, the sites said they would but who knows.
And speaking of mom, she just started sort-of online dating, just casually and so far only online/one phonecall, and good for her! But it's just, she talks to me about it? All the time? Which, that's ... not really what I had in mind. Look, I wish we had that Lorelai/Rory type of relationship, but we don't, and I really don't want to hear about random dudes who either seem pretty nice or completely gross and creepy. And I *really* don't want to hear about some of them clearly being after YouKnowWhat, and no, I'm not even gonna say it because as far as I'm concerned that doesn't even EXIST in the same universe as my mom.
Anyone awake/around to help me fail at getting to bed at a timely hour yet again? It's pretty much inevitable anyway. Feel free to pepper me with prompts for that meme that half my friends list is doing:
Give me a fandom, TV series, or book and I will answer the following:
Favourite character:
Least Favourite character:
5 Favourite ships (canon or non-canon):
Character I find most attractive:
Character I would marry:
Character I would be best friends with:
A random thought:
An unpopular opinion:
Canon OTP:
Non-canon OTP:
Most badass character:
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Favourite friendship:
Character I want to adopt or be adopted by: