I AM FREEEE!!! Bit sad to say that that is my reaction to finishing all the HP-books. It's not that they were bad, on the contrary, it's just that I've barely seen anything for the last couple of days except the pages of a book and my neck was beginning to threaten to kill me. I finished the last one late last night, super-late, but there was just no putting it down once I got half-way.
Of course I'm not entirely free yet, there are still the movies and I already got started on those. Watched the three first today (first two don't really count cause I've seen them before), and my gaaawd they're long! While at the same time feeling insanely cramped and rushed. They get sligthly better each time so far though, so I hope that trend keeps up, the first movie was a lot worse than I remembered it! And OMG they waste so much time on scenery-shots! First movie there was like 4 different shots of the bloody TRAIN moving, what was the point of that? Like, okay, a train, a moving train they're on the train, WE GEDDIT, IT'S A TRAIN.
Meanwhile those extra seconds could have been used to introduce Peeves, who by the way hasn't been seen AT ALL even by the third movie! Appearantly random nameless horse-riding ghosts are more important? There's an appalling lack of a lot of side-characters actually: the Weasley twins are seriously underused and would have made a helluva lot better comedic relief than the other stuff they've chosen to focus on. And I wouldn't have mind being introduced to the Quidditch team, not that they're having more than one scene per movie, but some of those people actually turn out to be somewhat important.
And all I can think while watching is "damn, this would have been so much better as a TV show". Preferably one with Game of Thrones-budget, of course, but I'm sure they could have swung it with less if they skipped some of the big name actors (Trelawny could have been played by someone else, as could Lockheart, just for starters. Alan Rickman is flawless though.)
Okay, enough Potter-stuff and ranting. Well, enough Potter-stuff, anyway, there's still things I need to rant about. For starters:
WHAT IN THE ACTUAL HELL IS THIS? No Cougar Town for midseason either? AW HELLS NO! First Community, now this? Dammit, I knew I was jinxing it when I was saying good comedy was making a comeback on TV. Ugh, this show is as good as cancelled, isn't it? :( Whyyyy, it's not like ABC has any other good comedies, do they? They're all on NBC or CBS (well, mostly on NBC...)! And don't say Modern Family or I will kick you in the balls. Whether you have any or not.
While we're on the subject of comedy and ranting: Parks & Rec. I mean, YES and AWW to that ending, obviously, but it's still not quite enough to make me forgive the writers for what they've done to, well really all characters this season, but mainly Leslie. I don't think even s1-Leslie was this immature and inconsiderate of other people's feelings! If the payoff of all of this was that Leslie (and Ben) would decide that it was worth risking Leslie's career over this relationship: awesome, I'm all for that. But did it have to come at the expense of character consistency? Did we have to get there by turning Leslie into a child? I feel like the writers are missing their marks left and right this season just in terms of characters and where they're supposed to be at. What was up with Andy this episode? He was like s1-Andy again! Not cool, show, not cool.
Community was fine, not particularly funny though, except for Jeff!Dean which killed me/freaked me out. Also Troy/Britta. <3 But yeah, right now, if I could save just one out of Community and Cougar Town? ... I might pick Cougar Town, I don't know. Lets just say I'm glad I don't have to make any such choice, because I have no power over these things.
Meanwhile, in "shows that should have been cancelled long ago"-news; Dexter's appearantly got renewed for TWO more seasons. *Facepalm* From the start of s2 I hoped and prayed that this show would be cancelled early, it's just one of those shows you can't drag out forever without ruining all the characters or repeating the same things over and over. I was going to watch s6, but now I'm just not gonna bother since there's no end in sight.
Whew, longest post evaaar, I know! Super-tempted to add a meme just to make it official... Ah what the hell, no one's reading all this anyway! Snagged from
Name a show you like that no one else enjoys:
The Glades, and I'm still at a loss to why that is. I think I should have one or two people who watches on my flist, but they took some finding and I had to make my own friending meme to get any.
Name a TV show which you’ve been known to sing the theme song of:
All of them? I usually hum the theme of whatever I saw last.
Name a show you would recommend everyone to watch:
Everyone? That's a lot of people, a lot of very different people... I think I'd go with Parks & Rec, I think everyone can sort of relate to that in some way or another and I think even my mom might like it (if she gave it a chance, which she never will).
Name a TV series you own:
*Cough* Legally? S1 of The OC (it was on sale!) and s1-4 of The Simpsons. Of course, it's possibly a whole bunch of shows made their way onto my exernal harddrive somehow, who knows, that might have happened. Or not.
Name an actor who launched his/her entertainment career in another medium, but has surprised you with his/her acting choices in television:
I had to think about this for a minute, but then it became pretty obvious what my answers had to be. First: Alan Cumming. It's possible he started in TV, but I've always seen him as a serious movie actor and never liked him much for it, so to have him play one of my favorite characters on TV is a bit of a double-surprise. Don't know what made him go into TV but bless who- or whatever it was. Same goes for Kat Dennings who I can't remember having seen in a TV show before 2BG, she first popped up on my radar with that Michael Cera-movie. Again I thank whatever lucky powers made it so that she appears on my TV every week.
What is your favourite episode of your favourite series?
Favorite series ever? Veronica Mars, "Ain't No Magic Mountain High Enough". I've just, I've seen that episode a lot, okay? I may know most or all lines by heart.
Name a show you keep meaning to watch, but you just haven’t gotten around to yet:
Breaking Bad, Boardwalk Empire, Downton Abbey, The West Wing, 24, Luther... About a hundred more, probably.
Ever quit watching a show because it was so bad?
Yep, lots of times, sometimes with the same show.
Name a show that’s made you cry multiple times:
Hmm. Like actually cry? And multiple times too, blimey. Farscape made me cry once, I think? TV rarely makes me cry. Bawled like a baby when reading the end of HP7 though, books usually hit me harder for some reason.
What’s your current unpopular TV opinion?:
That Modern Family sucks and the fact that it's lauded with praise sickens me, especially when Cougar Town hangs by a thread?
What do you eat when you watch TV?
Pasta, cause I watch TV with dinner. Sometimes I eat candy, but pretty rarely.
How often do you watch TV?
Every day.
What’s the last TV show you watched?
Parks & Rec.
What’s your favourite/preferred genre of TV?
Fantasy, I guess I have to say, but I like most genres.
What was the first TV show you were obsessed with?
Sunset Beach, I taped all the episodes. I think that was first, anyway, memory ain't what it used to be (and it didn't used to be very good either).
What will turn you off the fastest from a TV show?
At the start: boring characters. With a show I'm already watching: character devolvement/assassination or the replacement of an actor, unless the previous actor died or it makes sense within the universe of the show (basically, in other words: Doctor Who).
What TV show do you wish you never watched?
Well my dream is to one day have watched ALL THE SHOWS (atleast, all shows that are commonly referenced and well-known), so I guess I'll go with Veronica Mars so that I can watch it for the first time again. Everything's always best the first time around.
What’s the weirdest show you enjoyed?
Hmm. The Fades? American Horror Story? Depends how you define weird, I guess, there are a lot of shows I watch/have watched that I never thought I'd like.
What TV show scared you the most?
Ever? Are You Afraid of the Dark, if anyone remembers that. In later years I guess I'd have to say Criminal Minds and AHS.
What is the funniest TV show you have ever watched?
God, so many to choose from... I'm gonna have to go with Community and P&R on shared first, pretty sure I've spent about equal amounts of time laughing myself silly at both of them.
Name a TV show series in which you have seen every episode at least twice:
Veronica Mars, Firefly, Wonderfalls... Probably more.
Name a show you can’t miss:
I don't ever have to miss anything, that's the beauty of the interwebs!
Name an actor that would make you more inclined to watch a show:
Kristen Bell, who I will watch in House of Lies when it premieres! Doesn't look like a great show, but I will watch anyway for KBell. But pretty much any actor I like is a reason for me to watch a show, most likely I would have watched it anyway so the recognition factor is just a bonus.
Name an actor who would make you less likely to watch a show:
So many! Still haven't watched Men in Trees because of my hatred of Anne Heche. I have a feeling my intense dislike of Modern Family is related to Julie Bowen and Al Bundy being in it.
Name a show you can, and do, quote from:
Veronica Mars, she's a marsmallow! It's like you're this giant jackass piñata just begging for someone to beat the candy out of you! It's all fun and games till one of you gets my foot up their ass!
Actually, pretty much everything I say is a quote from a TV show. I can have entire conversations in nothing but quotes.