Just starting to come out of the book-fog of HP5, spent most of my free time this weekend reading and got done with it this afternoon. Think I'll take a little break before starting on the next one, my neck/eyes/brain could use the rest, I'll probably pick it up towards the weekend again. Two books left, and then the movies.
Crappy episode, did not see the point in mixing Cinderella up with Rumplstildjksfjdwhatever and what a lousy Cinderella she was too. Ugh, I hate Jesse Schram, she needs to stop appearing in shows I watch. Also, seriously, WHAT is wrong with Fairy Land that they cannot find a decent hairdresser there? Everyone looks like they stepped out of an episode of The Nanny, it's terrible! Except Snow White in last episode when she was supposedly living wild out in the forest.
Look forward to more of Emma working with Hot Sheriff, although very much less so after finding out he's sleeping with Regina. Gross dude! Super-gross!
BTW, how many reasonably-wellknown fairytales ARE they really? Even if they take characters who are famously animals, which I guess they do what with Jiminy Cricket and all, that still doesn't feel like it would cover more than a season or two?
So, straight to the question of the way: why does Herchel have a stable full of walkers? Is he planning on racing them for sport? Using them for food incase they ever run out of cow meat or crops? Or is he planning on reforming them from their zombie-ways, having them all join Flesh-Eaters Anonymous and sign a pledge to swear off human meat? Honestly, that IS my best guess, that he's intending to try and save them from eternal damnation with prayer or somesuch nonsense, I can't think of any other explanation for this that isn't crazier than what I've already mentioned. Unless he's decided to start collecting them as a hobby, like Darryl with his trophy ears (mind you, I dunno which of those things would be less gross...)? Maybe keep em as pets? OH, or maybe it's his version of a scorpion-pit! Like, "you all better do as I tell you or I will feed you to the zombies!".
Meanwhile this Sophia thing has just GOT to end already, I don't care if they find her alive, dead, undead or chewed up into bits anymore! Just find her, or give up, or progress this damned storyline is SOME way next week. Hey, maybe she's one of the stable-zombies! Wouldn't that be funny, if they've been traipsing all over the woods and she was there all along?
(Also, did she really have her doll with her when she ran? I don't remember seeing it, but I also don't expect or care about attention to detail for this show enough to go back and look. Just would have thought she woulda dropped or left it sooner even if she did have it with her, but whatever, I guess a shoe or sock doesn't have the same visual impact.)
And for the record: I'm 100% in favor of a show where Darryl decides to ditch these losers and run around the forest on his own, Bear Grylls style, taking down all the zombies himself. Gross ear-saving hobby aside, dude is BADASS, and of course truer words were never spoken than Herchel's "It's a wonder you people survived this long" - sad but oh-so-true. Andrea, I mean... I was just screaming at her through the TV - in pure horror, not in a fun "I'm engaged in this show"-sort of way. I'd call it character assassination of the worst kind of she was any sort of character to begin with.
"I feel like hugging you." Don't worry Will, that's a perfectly normal reaction to Kalinda. As is wanting to kiss her, so Cary, you're fine too. On a related note: AWW and SQUEE. I had kind of shuffled my shippy feelings for them into a drawer, but I'm not opposed to digging them out! I could also ship either Cary or Kalinda with Torres-from-LTM if I had my arm twisted, I'm not too picky.
Peter's mom is the WORSTTTTTT, Eli's storyline was pointless, I ship Eli's/the Florrick's kids and the case this week was weeird.
Bit of a lame episode, in all sorts of ways, but I liked: KENZI (obvsly), Kenzi/Hale, Bo suddenly going SCARY without any real explanation and ... lets go with Kenzi again, because she always deserves to be counted twice.