So much to do! So little time! Will have to try and keep this short, because somehow it's already 2am. O_O Raid tonight (still didn't get Raggy, there was a lot of derping, especially on my side, so meh to that), and then Hallow's End has started which means chasing achieves and trick-or-treating all over the place. Meanwhile, TV, LJ, Glitch and that plan I had to sit on my exercise bike some today. Yeeah, guess which of those things I neglected to do? No really, go on, GUESS. :p
So, brief TV roundup:
Castle: Good.
2 Broke Girls: Good.
Hart of Dixie: SO BAD, but in a really good way. And a really hot way. *Fans self*
RB Meme! And today is my FAVORITE question, damnit, there goes my plan to get to bed at a reasonable hour. ^^
12. Favorite shippy scene where one of them wasn't present?
Yeah, so, this is my little pet question, because one of the things that set this ship apart for me is the amount of shippy scenes where either Sam or Andy aren't even present. I am so tempted to rattle off the whole list of scenes, just in case one of them doesn't get mentioned, but I'll *TRY* and limit it just-short-of-all-of-them?
Fave #1: Sam and Monica, 107. I feel like this scene is the first scene where Sam actually has to ADMIT he has feelings for Andy, because otherwise it's just been comments from other people and just generally situational. But then here he can't just shrug it off or grin it off, because that means leading Monica on and he's way too good of a guy to do that. So he answers with the most defeated frown and sigh in the entire world, and it's still the loudest thing he's ever said, basically. So yeah, my favorite favorite scene of this kind is with Sam and his ex. I mean. Seriously.
Fave #2: Oliver, Sam and Jo when the latter two arrive at the laundromat. I mean, it's not really remarkable that Oliver rushes over there to hold back Sam, because even Sam's DRIVING is like, completely aggressive. And then he's out of the car in 5 seconds, and there's the yelling and the angry finger-pointing and him stomping towards the building while Ollie is trying to hold him off. And then there's Jo, being all pessimistic, and asking him for Andy's number, which he has ON SPEEDDIAL 3, and that whole thing. And yeah, technically I guess Andy IS in this scene, because he radios her, but I just love that he HAS to radio her, because Oliver saying she's fine is not good enough. And she has like, 2 words to say, so I'm still counting it. Also, it goes well with:
Fave #3: Sam and Oliver, by the firetruck. You know, the one where Oliver is being absolutely delightful and funny and mocking the firemen, and Sam is having NONE OF IT, because Andy's trapped in a burned out building. So instead of giggling at Oliver's jokes, he's pouting away like someone stole his favorite toy, which causes Oliver to basically call him on this, dude-style.
Also, this like, my Fave #1B, which is taking cheating to a whole new level but whatever, it's late, I'm tired, and we did say "screw the rules" on this one. So. #1B: Andy and Traci, girl-talking and hanging pictures and discussing things like how almost hooking up with Sam Swarek is defined by Andy as "the best mistake of my life". Because, yeah.
Also also, and I know I said I wouldn't rattle them ALL off, but I'm still not, honestly! But: Andy coming to the cover apartment when Sam's been taken? So good, in a "WHY IS THERE A GIANT SITTING ON MY HEART?" type of way.
Also also also, and I swear this is the last one, but you cannot fault me for bringing it up: Sam with Boyd in the locker room in the finale. "Her name is Officer McNally, and two years on the force she's ten times the cop you'll ever be." I love how he says that like her actual legal name is Officer.
Okay! DONE! Really! You all better think of all the other shippy scenes with just one of them in it, because there are more, and they're all soooo good. And I mean, I really cannot think of any other ship that has SO MANY shippy scenes without both parties actually being in the scene. Really, I've gone through my big ones and some of my small ones and it's like, one or two scenes for each. And here I can't even narrow it down to less than 5. WHAT.
Heee, this is probably my least sense-making post yet, I think I've entered that state of over-tired hyperness. Gonna try and get to bed anyway, because boyoboy it's late. >_<
ETA: Oh maaan, and still I forgot to mention:
THE GLADES IS RENEWED FOR S3! I really did not expect that, having no idea what the ratings are but figuring they were bad what with no one talking about it. But yeah, YAY this is awesomeness! :D
Also, plans of a Zombieland TV show has me half excited-out-of-my-mind and half going "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!". I mean, IDK? It could be great! It could be terrible... Couldn't they do a show based on L4D instead? That would be cooler.