Slightly less mopey today, not in a "yay, I'm cured" kind of way, just in an appearantly talky/rambly blasé kind of way. Which, you might argue, is different from my usual self ... how? Fair point, imaginary person reading this and thinking that exact thing. Fair point indeed.
Glitch continues to be my main source of joy. One of my favorite friends and guildies (the only one from my first real guild I still hang out with) joined up today, and I'm pretty sure it's because I made him, and making people do stuff always make me happy. I think he likes it, too, not that it's possible not to. Also the awesome names continue to delight me, having since the last post come across a CMOT Dibbler and someone named The Oncoming Storm. Wearing a fez. Best part is he was kinda dressed like 10, no bowtie, so I very nearly pounced him, but then I figured A) it'd be awkward if it turned out he was hardcore Eleven, and B) if I keep pouncing everyone with an awesome name in this game, I'm never going to have time to actually play it.
Easier to resist but still amused me: Capt Jackie Harkness and The Dalai Lama. Also seen Jesus Christ around, so clearly this game was SANCTIONED BY THE LORD. *Nods*
Daily TV round-up, excluding Flashpoint which I'm too angry to comment on (not because it was bad, it was a good episode actually, but the subject matter... We don't need a pointless ranty tirade from yours truly, basically, so ... moving on).
Community: Oh Show. Sigh. I mean, it was stupid of me to hope this season would be a return to s1-form, and you're still mostly delightful and I love you, but WHY DO YOU HAVE TO KEEP MAKING BAD DECISIONS? Just ... WHY?? IT'S LIKE I DON'T KNOW YOU AT ALL ANYMORE. I dunno, maybe we've just grown apart. I think ... I think we need to break up, or atleast take a break. But maybe we can stay friends anyway?
The UN story mostly worked, even if it wasn't super-funny, but the Britta/Chang stuff, which actually COULD have been funny, just did not work for me AT ALL. I love Britta, I love her being a rebel without a cause and everything about her, really, but they just didn't write it well here, end of story. They didn't write HER well. And Chang just continue to prove that he's been played out since s1 (or before then, if you ask me).
The Vampire Diaries: Ugh, flashbacks, snore. But necessary plot developement, atleast if this means Elena is finally, actually going to move on and quit being one of those ladies who marries convicted murderers? And she shouldn't move on with Damon, exactly, but I really think it's about time she went all Bad Girls on everyone and started partying and hanging out with Katherine and making out with Damon. I think that would be fun, is all.
Poor Caroline, but yay for Sheriff Forbes and Tyler to the rescue! Thought they were gonna drag that out way more, and I really didn't think it would be that EASY. Waiting for the other shoe to drop there, and it'll probably be bad, considering the theories I had that didn't happen...
Parks & Rec: Not as good as last week, but still delightful and good and loved it. Haha, Tammy 1-controlled Ron was terrifying. All the Tammies are terrifying really. And YAY, drunk-Leslie, I love it when Leslie is drunk. Ben and Tom are always good together too, I want them to be BFFs and hang out all the time. The PSA-storyline had no point though, and wasn't very funny either.
The Secret Circle: Haha, took me like, half the episode to figure out that Luke and Nick were different people. I was like "...but they've already MET?". Whaaat, they look alike, okay? And I'm not paying that much attention to what they're saying/doing, I watch this show for the pretty. Technically mostly the girl-pretty. Not in a gross way, or anything, because they're teenagers! I just, I want to have them as my dolls okay? And dress them up in cute clothes and brush their hair and stuff? SEE? NOT CREEPY AT ALL!
Suburgatory: Yep, as expected, I loved it. WHY DO I ONLY GET NEW COMEDIES THIS YEAR? I HAVE COMEDIES! LOTS OF COMEDIES! But I know, I shouldn't complain as long as I get *something*. Grumble grumble.
Anyway, this suffered from the same type of pilot hysteria syndrome ("LOOK, WE'RE HEARTWARMING! WE'RE FUNNY! LOOK, LOOK, WE REALLY ARE!") that all pilots do, and which seems to be getting worse each year, but other than that it was good, it was fun, and yeah, it had some heart too. And Alan Tudyk.
Off to play some WoW.