Feb 02, 2010 01:53
One evening of playing the Sims for realsies (trying to bring little Harry Carpenter to the world so he'd be younger than Hope) and I'm like 500 times more convinced than ever that I'm NEVER HAVING KIDS. If it's even 1% as annoying and hard as trying to raise Sims (and my guess would be it's harder) then I'd last about one day before social services came and took the kid away. Granted this was a total of 9 Sims, but I had hacks and cheats to make it easier AND a nanny (freaking useless) AND a maid, and I lasted 2 Sim-days. *Passes out* I'll have that hysterectomy now, plx? Just take it all out and give it to someone who'll use it. Hmm, maybe I could sell the plumbing on the black market, you can sell livers and kidneys and stuff, so why not? They should really make that possible, I could use the money for a new computor! :D
I've started watching Misfits (4 episodes), it's pretty good/okay. Awesome music, as always with British shows. ♥ O rite, speaking of British, I was going to watch SDoaCG today. Oops. I did watch one episode of Big Love, so I'm still just one episode behind there. And two behind in Being Human, and I've more or less decided to just dump Fringe and Ugly Betty or atleast put em on hold indefinitely. Also watched Chuck, which is still fun. I seem to have a certain anti-drama thing going on right now, not sure why,
Bed time, probably going to wake up with wryneck (how is it I didn't know the English word for that? Had to look it up! Weeeeird.) tomorrow. Must lay off the Simming soon. Damned my obsessive personality.
games: misc,
tv: misfits,
i: reject reality and substitute tv