(no subject)

Apr 28, 2011 14:07

Suffering from sudden-onset game ennui. :/ Getting frustrated by WoW, and with Portal 2 finished I don't have any way of distracting myself from that fact. My biggest issue with WoW is not feeling connected to the world/mythology; I want to know and care about things rather than just push butans and go through the motions, but the game's been around too long and there's too much and I'm too far behind.
Anyway, looking around online for a new game I found: THIS. Wait, WHAT? A MMORPG based on Doctor Who, developed by the same people who had me hooked on Puzzle Pirates for 6 years? OH HELL YES. It'll have puzzles too, which is another thing I miss in WoW, although it will also be browser-based and those games can be a bit meh. Still, I am most excite and I demand to be on the Beta which supposedly launches in the fall.

So! Gonna take this as a sign that I should focus on RL over the summer, and cut back a bit on my gaming. And by RL I obviously mean BOOKS, which I plan on order soonish. And I need tips! Please, my dear pretty flisties, what books have you not been able to put down? I want cracky awesomeness, something that very probably will be made into a movie or TV show or video game in the future (okay, that doesn't narrow it down anymore these days, I guess), and as always, something not-real. Fantasy, scifi, alternative universe where there's no shrimp - I don't care, just as long as it's more fun than this world.
Will love you forever and send you a real live puppy* if you suggest something (*puppy may or may not be real).

books: misc, games: portal, games: world of warcraft

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