they are making a City Watch cop show! BE STILL MY HEART. SO MANY CONFLICTING EMOTIONS. Joy! Horror! Fear! Mostly just *excite* though, because seriously, it's about freaking time they remake or adapt something AWESOME for a change. Even if it ends up being an awful mess I'll still have months of anticiptation and hope that maybe, just maybe it'll actually live up to the awesomeness of the books. Thank you
kasiopeia for alerting me to this, totally made my day and night and probably my whole week.
Weirdest part of it? I was JUST playing fantasy dream casting for a City Watch show/movie the other night, since I'm re-reading Men At Arms as my bedtime book. I couldn't think of any specific actors that would fit though, since they'd have to be British or be able to pull off a convincing British accent, and that kinda narrows it down a bit too much. Instead I'm working backwards, thinking of unemployed British actors and trying to find non-Watch parts for them! Top of my wish list: James Frain, now that The Cape has been put out of its (and our) misery, Mark Sheppard since he's no longer on SPN, David Tennant obviously, hell lets throw in Chris Eccleston too just for the geekgasm of it. All of them would be good in various guilds, if nothing else! MAKE IT HAPPEN, UNIVERSE. I COMMAND THEE.
Day 11 - Your top three favourite bands.
Hmm. The Decemberists, The National, and after that there's about 30 bands/artists sharing third place... Yeah, lets just leave it there, I don't have all bloody day.
Day 12 - Your thoughts or opinions about Harry Potter.
In a word? Meh. I started reading the books when they'd just been released and when the hype hit I kinda lost interest in them (I suffer from the Indie Hipster Syndrome where I occassionally lose interest if something becomes popular). I plan on reading them all, or possibly just watcing the movies because I'm laaaazy.
Day 13 - Your thoughts or opinions about Mean Girls.
Eh, it's an okay movie. A lot funnier the first time than the second.
Day 14 - Do you have siblings? Talk about them, or talk about what it's like to be an only child.
Nope, not a one. When I was growing up I felt I had it made, no siblings meaning more presents for me at Christmas, fewer people to drag home diseases, not having to share anything, always peace and quiet when I wanted it... The older I get though, the more I seem to change my mind. I hate being my parents only chance for grandchildren, I don't know how big of a deal it is to either of them but I'm sure mom wants them atleast a little and it's never gonna happen. And it'd be nice to know I had some back-up family if/when my grandparents and parents die (assuming I don't go first).
Day 15 - Tell us about your favourite junk food.
SUGAR. Especially chocolate, that's my big vice. I don't really eat junk food, atleast not what comes to my mind when I hear the word. I don't eat chips or fast food, but I make up for that in chocolate.
Day 16 - Your favourite Disney Princess Movie.
Day 17 - Your thoughts on Ugg boots.
Day 18 - Do you drink soda more often than milk?
Day 19 - The initials of your crush(es).
Day 20 - Do you wear glasses? If so, what are they for?
Day 21 - Your favourite subject to study.
Day 22 - Do you play a sport? Tell us about it. If not, talk about a different hobby you may have.
Day 23 - Your opinions on Lady Gaga.
Day 24 - Tell us about the last movie you saw in the theatres.
Day 25 - Tell us about the last book you read.
Day 26 - Name one plave you would love to visit one day.
Day 27 - List your three favourite girls names, boys names and pet names.
Day 28 - Your first celebrity crush.
Day 29 - Your opinions on the television show Glee.
Day 30 - Take a picture of yourself right now and post it, or post the most recent picture your can find