Oct 22, 2004 18:52
Wednesday, 23-IX
Went to (North) Cronulla beach with David Qi and Joseph. The beach was so nice and refreshing after a winter. Ice cream was good too. Also saw there: Johnathon Ng and Michael Huang
Thursday, 24-IX
Finished all French work in the morning to be completely free. Hung out with Joseph, Justin and Peter Pavlakis later who saw a movie. Also saw: David Qi, Kevin, Winston, Richard Chung
Friday, 24-IX
David asked me if I wanted to play Counterstrike at the net café with him and his bro before Kevin was going to take them fishing. Drove to Hurstville to find out that they decided not to cos they couldn't get there. I went to his house since I was close enoguh and it was his fault I was there. We couldn't get into the net café cos we forgot it was teh end of school and it would be plagued with year 7-10s. We drove around looking for another one but could only find 2 phantom cafés (there were signs advertising but they just weren't there...). I spent the remaining time between then and work at his place.
Saturday, 25-IX
Sunday, 26-IX
Went to the Living End concert with Rob, Tara, Kimmy, Ben Urwin, and two of Tara's friends (Vanessa and Cathy from memory)
. It fucking rocked! The opening acts weren't so good, but the Living End were just...brilliant. And I stayed in the mosh-pit...kinda. Like on the side still counts.
Monday, 27-IX
After a late night, I got up at 6:30am to get to Eastern Creek to partake in this drivers course. It was a pretty good day. But unfortunately the Peugeot has every braking aid imaginable and I didn't find it a great challenge. One thing I found useful was on the way home as I was driving down the M4, I discovered how to use the Cruise control.
Tuesday, 28-IX
Today before going to work I bought American Idiot by Green Day. It really is a superb album. It's got a story in it as well which is pretty interesting. At work something happened that, well, didn't everyday. A girl (customer) asked me what I was doing Friday night. Unfortunately I was working. She said she'd leave me her number. Sounds good? Well, the piece of paper she wrote it on had 'You Wish, Motherfucker' instead. Hehehe, I knew it.
It made me look like an idiot when another girl who was sitting down smiled and waved at me; halfway thorough looking around in hope that she was waving someone else, it clicked it was Ellen, a workmate of whom I hadn't worked with in about a month.
After work (5pm) I drove to Kingsgrove to pick up Joseph and we went to Bondi Junction to watch Somersault. Somersault is an Australian movie and I must say it was one of the freshest films I've seen. It is, in a word, brilliant. However it's horribly underrated. It's shameful that Australian films are shown in fewer places than all the American crap plaguing our cinemas today (it IS crap, some American films are good but seriously, they're all crap at this moment). I urge you all to see Somersault and help the Australian Film Industry!
Wednesday, 29-IX
A nothing day! Hooray!
Thursday, 30-IX
Decided to go to the city with Justin and Joseph. As I was waiting for them at Town Hall I saw Matthew and Anthony Wong. They were seein a movie with one of Matthew's female friends and it didn't seem to be going too well. I met up with Joseph and Justin and we ate at Noodle Plus where I was deemed Asian by Joseph for my ability to use chopsticks. We met up with Jas, Nando and Catherine who were in the city for a YAA meeting. This marked the 1st time I saw Jas since the 29-VIII. I also bought a record 4 CDs (From Here on In by the Living End, Internationalist by Powderfinger, Anthem by Less than Jake and Toxicity by System of a Down)
Friday, 1-X
Just another work day
Saturaday, 2-X
Before going to work I went to the city with the family (you read right). They were there to look at guitars for my brother. While they were there, I bought by 6th CD for the week - Reise Reise by Rammstein. It's fucking mad too, just like the other five.
Sunday, 3-X
Chris' (ex-neighbours) 18th Birthday party. It was pretty cool actually, though Helensburgh is a pretty big hole. Fun, but nothing really memorable.
Monday, 4-X
Relaxation, but regretting the choice not to work since it was double time wages. I got pissed at James (kid who lives down teh street during the holidays, usually from The Entrance) who bought some Dairy Whip just to spurt it out on the way home
Tuesday, 5-X
Just work (12-5), and offered to do Jess Pryke's
shift tomorrow, for extra money.
Wednesday, 6-X
Went to movies with Justin, Peter Pav and Greg. I saw...sigh...Wimbledon. Peter and Justin loved it to bits. Greg and I, however, weren't too impressed by it. It wasn't THAT bad I guess, but I just don't really like Romantic Comedies like that. Finished the night at work.
Thursday, 7-X
Today was the day I planned to go to Gosford with David Qi, Kevin and Joseph and we were going to leave early. But a work meeting comes up. And Joseph can't go. We decide to go anyway, though the meeting went longer than the 9:30 Kristian promised yesterday afternoon. After I told him what I was doing he let me go early (10am, when I wanted to get to Kingsgrove!). It didn't matter. At Gosford we drove around, looking for a fishing spot. There was none that David and Kevin wanted to go to (good, I didn't like fishing) so we drove aronud Gosford, Woy Woy and Avoca Beach. Just exploring, which I found really fun.
On the way home David and Kevin were inhaling nitrous. It was so funny seeing Kevin's expression when he was high on it. I laughed more than he did! I felt like a bad-ass, even though I wasn't the one taking drugs. It was particularly funny when David inhaled one on the F3 freeway, I then got onto the M1 highway
. five minutes driving on it and David goes "Hey, aren't we still on the freeway?". I drove 284Km that day.
Friday, 8-X
Went to Burwood with Robert West, Khoi, Campbell, Vlad, Kimmy, Keith Chow and Sameer. At Sutherland Station I saw two workmates of mine, Ellen and Amy Grouse
who were going to Cronulla. This was the first time I saw workmates out of work and not going to work either. Then on the train to the city I saw yet anotehr workmate (Daniel, a chef). So I saw 3 people from work, freaky.
The first thing we did was watch Alien Vs Predator. I think I agree with Sameer who said the storyline was like a year 8 Creative Writing Piece, only I think it was worse. I was listening to my ipod within minutes. After that, we all went (bar Sameer) to Zone 3 (Laser gun thingy place) which was hella fun, even if I came last in all the games. A great day, even if I got to work 30 minutes late.
Saturday, 9-X
Being the last Saturday night, I had to do something. Previous plans had fallen through, so I organised to see Jeux d'enfants (Love me if you dare) with Justin at night. Now even if I'm nto one for those romantic comedies, this film was different. It was so superb and twisted and absurd! I loved it, and not just cos it was in French. After that, me and Justin walked around the city at night, contemplating going into nightclubs. In the end we just went to his house to find out that John Howard won teh election. The only downside to a great way to wrap up the holidays.
Sunday, 10-X
But I didn't want to go to school