May 22, 2006 11:00
So, last night I was going to go to Doogie's to meet up with some classmates...
... but I got home after work with an INTENSE need to nap (okay, I was already napping at work before I left... ;P ) so I set my alarm to give myself an hour to nap, then get up eat, shower, head out...
...only I failed at the alarm setting (set it for AM, not PM), and ended up passed out for a good chunk of the evening. Pretty sure I only woke up because I really, really needed to pee...
Guess my body was asking for a rest, eh? ;P So I stayed in, rewatched the Grey's Anatomy season finale, and slept some more. Yay.
Had a hard time getting up this morning... good thing my "productive week" isn't due to start until tomorrow ;) I made a grocery list though. Not using the crock pot this week.. flipped through some of the recipe magazines we've accumulated in the kitchen and found something simple enough to make involving cheese whiz (I've been using cheese whiz at work to pill dogs.. and you know, I used to LOVE that stuff. Cheese Whiz between two slices of white bread? YUM. But I haven't had it in years... time to change that!) So now I just need to make it out to the grocery store tomorrow... after the piano gets tuned...