Dec 20, 2005 14:14
Yup, the second box arrived! Another pair of comfy pants - delisciously pink sweat pants. Trying to get over the DARK BROWN GRAVY STAIN on the front of one leg (I've got it mostly off.. don't want to actually wash them yet - love the softness on the inside of new,unwashed sweats!) and just be greatful for the gifts...*deeeeepbreathe*
(in case it's not clear, the gravy stain was on them before I ever put them on - right when I took 'em out of the box I spotted it. i.e. it's a stain courtesy my mum.)
Anyhow, besides that was my "stocking"... plenty of chocolate (2 kinder eggs, a chocolate orange), a candy cane stick, and lifesavers "storybook", gum and mints (which I realy appreciate - I'm all out!), some hand cream, a toothbrush, a great assortment of postit porducts (also really appreciating, I needed some new colour tabs for my anatomy text to keep things organized!), a pomegranate (yum!), and a candle. I should start burning candles again, running out of room for all the ones I have ;P
Anyhow, so far I've been mildly productive today.. have started the laundry, cleaned the kitchen a little bit. I have SO MUCH laundry to do...blah. That's my big goal for today. And a bit of cleaning. Doing some organizing of stuff on my computer... photos and the likes... then vet appointment for Fluff, and some serious knitting time after that. Oh, and i need to go to the bank...
yah. i don't miss school AT ALL.