Coraline costume plotting

May 24, 2009 23:43

ok. this is it.


the more i think about it, the more i really, really want to be her. so, i'm looking up all the links now

first things first
The Boots

so coraline's boots would seem fairly simple, eh? but it's actually hella hard to find a pair in a women's size that don't have a heel or bees on them or some shit like that. thankfully, target has a pair for 25 bucks. score!|Shoes|B001SIFSEQ&CPNG=women&ref=tgt_adv_XPYD0100

next up, The Coat

again, my not-actually-being-kid-sizedis an issue, but i managed to track down a heavy duty yellow raincoat for less than 10 bucks! sweet! i might need to shorten it, though...

next up, The Hair

coraline's excat hairstyle is a little hard to find in a wig, but i managed to find a pretty close resemblance. i just have to pin the bangs to the side and maybe shorten the back a bit...

 in this color

then, the Barette

this was harder to find than i expected, and coraline's seems to be bejeweled, unlike this one, but with a little paint work, awesome

next, The Socks

this was surprisingly, the hardest part, just because it's so damned hard to figure out what color combo those socks are... everytime we see her in them she's in the grey, drained out light of boring world even it the hight res pic above, it's tough to tell. i've come to the conclusion that they're red and some form of washed out neutral, so i decided to go with sockdreams n super stripes inmaroon and olive. not exactly the same, but i think its a colse match.

and last, but definetly not last, The Hat

ok, i know she really only wears the hat with her jeans and slicker, but shut up. i want the hat, okay? i even found one fairly cheap on an army navy supply store. embroider the crest on, and it's perfect

add it all up, throw on a t-shirt and a pink skirt, put on some subtle, frsh faced makeup and draw on some freckles, and voila! instant Coraline. i'd even be willing to get it all together for comicon if i end up going (although i still want to to the tan skin white hair trio of kida, urd, and storm). the only thing that'd make it better is if i could get my hands on the limited edition "little me" doll being sold over at wizard universe *cough cough, anybody looking for an idea for something to get me for my birthday/graduation/cuz you love me*

awesome or what?
hopefully, i'll have friends in college by halloween, so that i can foce someone to be wybie...

halloween, idea, plan, links, coraline, costume

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