Dennis Kucinich Inspires Me

Jan 09, 2008 00:18

It's so refreshing to have a real Democrat running. Will he win? No. Not this time, anyway. But I'll vote for him. His consistent voting and spoken messages resonate with me in a way that I find invigorating and hope-generating. Here is a link to an interview conducted by Bill Moyers on PBS last week. Well worth watching. (And if you don't have time, you'll find the transcript immediately below the video window.)

He matters. As does the fact that The Nation magazine said that he mostly closely exemplifies their core values. As does the fact that though he has met the criteria for federal matching funds, ABC excluded him from the Manchester debate last Saturday night. It was not correct and may not even have been legal. We'll see.

In Dennis Kucinich, Democrats and America have the opportunity to remember and reclaim what it means to vote out of conviction rather than fear, to commit to things one believes in rather than settling for a mediocre and wholly unsatisfying alternative.

As someone who has felt consistently increasing dismay when surveying the political landscape of the country I love, I find Dennis Kucinich a beacon of hope and sanity. This guy played third string quarterback in high school: all (at the time) 4'11" and 97 lbs of him. And he had the opportunity to play and he lettered. This guy stood up to a private corporate power company as mayor of Cleveland and did not cave to their demands -- thus Cleveland still has the only public utility company left in America. He was in his early 30s then. (Here's a quick overview: I was 15 years old when that happened and it is one of those events I recognize as having been a specific catalyst in the development of my public and political thought.

He's a hero to me. Thought I'd share.


Copyright 2008 Dot's Stuff. All rights reserved. Please vote for Dennis Kucinich.

heroes, politics, life

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