
Jun 10, 2007 08:46

In no particular order...

One down. Tried Effexor. Blecccchhhhhh! Not so much. Took it at Noon-thirty and by two-thirty I was feeling spacey and pretty nauseated. It got worse, though the nausea moved faster than the spacey feeling and included some charming hyper-salivation combined with a dry mouth. It was challenging to stay present in my final two treatment hours and I was pretty tired when my work day came to an end. I was also utterly incapable of eating.

My wife was in town (after having a massage) and we had a plan to go to the local Mexican restaurant. I hadn't eaten past having six slices of sashimi, a handful of almonds, and an iced latte when I took the pill and I'd worked a full day, and I hoped that the nausea would be appeased by some food. Our food came and it simply wasn't the case. After a few bites I knew that eating was the exact wrong thing to do. It got to the point where I couldn't even bear to be the one to put food into a to-go container. Yuck.

We went home and I planned to go to sleep. Wrong. Every time I shut my eyes the nausea intensified. So, instead, Doc made me some TM Organic Peppermint tea and I took it in tiny sips while trying to stay awake. It was a rough night.

I called my doctor's office the next morning and asked for some tips for quelling the nausea. The nurse-receptionist suggested taking it at supper time or at bedtime. I was dubious but spent the day with that plan in mind. I also spent the day feeling only slightly less nauseated than the night before. Apologies to all of my clients, who really only got about 80% of my attention that day. I ate nothing and sipped at room-temperature peppermint tea, which remained the only buffer between me and hurling.

The decision about whether or not to take the next dose that evening was answered soundly by virtue of the fact that it must be taken with food and I was in no condition to eat food. I called the doctor's office first thing Friday morning and spoke with the same woman. I didn't say whether or not I'd taken the second dose, I merely offered that the degree of nausea was beyond what was reasonable and interfered with my ability to work. She said she'd pass the information along to my doctor and he or she would phone me back with what comes next. I expect that I won't hear back until early in the week.

Drugs and I have a dodgy relationship at best. There are lots I can't take and, in general, dosing based upon my size and age is a poor choice. Child's doses are often plenty and enough. As I know this about myself, I'm not unduly stressed that the first attempt failed. It's a process.

Fortuitous Event
We've got a client who will turn thirty this year. He's been functionally paralyzed for seven years since losing control of his car, veering into a field, and hitting the only thing in it -- which happened to be a combine. His injuries left him without a right hip and with intense spasticity throughout his body. He is wheel-chair bound and has limited use of his hands, though it's improved since the installation of an abdominal pump that sends a continual stream of muscle relaxants through his body. He's got a colostomy and a permanent catheter.

He's a total love. Sweet, funny, obnoxious, pushy, and bright. He was an athlete and is incredibly muscular. We've made amazing strides with his neck (it was canted hard to the right and he was unable to hold it up), which he loves, and are working on his hands. The home exercises for hands are not fun in terms of both discomfort and tedium. We've talked about ambient ways to work with increasing the range and dexterity and one thing he's been starry over is finding an old Nintendo and the very first Mario game. He loved it (and "Duck Hunt") and feels sure he could manage the controls.

I've kept this in my mind, though it's been a couple of months since he mentioned it. I had time to run past a local used game shop. Eureka! Someone has remade the original Nintendo!! I picked up a brand new one and the Mario game for thirty bucks! The old, old games didn't have built in memory, so know need to worry about the internal battery in the game. I'm so psyched for T to have this thing!

Flower Essences
Doc and I spent yesterday noodling around in Columbus. We went to Clintonville and the Short North because everyone else was at the Art Festival. This meant that we found parking places in front of every destination. Ahhh.... Cozy.

The purpose of the day was twofold. First, we planned to do some specific things to honor the transition in my business -- the interior piece that has me finally able to really embrace it and feel equal to it. I believe that this is what fostered the resonating experience I reference in an earlier post. (As an aside, I've heard more on that front and it's lovely -- encouraging and on a scale I can manage as I learn.) Second, we just wanted to wander and hang out and have some good food.

We hit some of the bookstores and picked up some pretties. I got a coloring book of peace mandelas for HCH and a forest relaxation cd for HBH -- welcome presents for when they arrive in July. I was drawn to a couple of things by Doreen Virtue. I already have her dolphin and mermaid cards, which I treasure. Her stuff is always so affirming and positive, without being trite or affected. I picked up a set of Ascended Masters cards and the book they came from. I also got her book of Angel Nubmers in deference to my fascination with number patterns and themes. So far, the things I've looked up have provided a sequence of tight Wow experiences. As a soft litmus test, I looked up some other, random numbers or things that I associate with other people (like their birthdates) and they had nothing to offer me.

Doc wanted to get me a gift, in celebration and to support me in managing my stress. She knew that I had been interested in The Journey to Wild Divine: The Passage (which I think I mentioned more than a year ago!) and found a copy. I'm looking forward to exploring it.

We went to lunch at a small Japanese restaurant and ate a lazy and luxurious melange of sashimi, dumplings, and things we'd never tried before (including a yummy maki roll made of shaved medium rare ribeye steak wrapped around scallions and asparagus -- YUM!). I drank some gorgeous barley tea, which made my tummy even happier. I have to say, this meal made me extremely happy that I'd elected not to take the second dose of Effexor. 8>

Then, we went to an Asian market for rice paper wraps so that we can make our own cold spring rolls. We also picked up a huge tin of crazy oatmeal biscuits. Some have sesame seeds, some seaweed, some pumpkin seeds, and some "big flakes" -- which I think are fish flakes. They're good! And at less than four dollars, the tin alone was worth the effort.

Next stop was another book and Stuff store. I knew I'd find my flower essence tool in this one, and I did. I found this sparkly crystal cluster in a stunning aqua. It was so vibrant and alive that it made the stones around it look like photographs instead of GinYooWine articles. I selected it and then thought to ask what it was. It was a spirit quartz formation that's had gold applied to it which, oddly enough, turned it aqua and upped the sparkle. It's perfect. Also picked up some of my favorite incenses and a big hunk o' quartz for my workspace. In addition, one of the owners mentioned a daily use of flower essences and I suggested that I might bring her some. Who knows?

Finally, we went to a used book store and Doc bought a ton of stuff for school. I got some greeting cards and a book of daily spiritual exercises that one can stop and start as needed. Just about right.

On the way home, Doc wanted ice cream and we went to Ye Olde Mill. It was a bizarre slice of Americana and added a fitting dash of the mundanely surreal to the day.

The weather was gorgeous all day, we had the grace of the aforementioned parking spaces, no waiting anywhere we went, and both of us feeling relaxed and mellow. When we got home, Doc watched baseball, I put some finishing touches on food I've made for the week, cleaned, did some laundry, and then installed the software for her new Palm T|X. Nice. Day.

The Police and Other Oraganizations
One of my sister's oldest friends bought flew in from Washington (state) and took her to see The Police, in Denver, last night. First, though, they went and got new tattoos to commemorate being 40 (though her friend reached it a while before my sister did). It was such a lovely break of pure love and fun for M that it made my heart sing. She sent me still photos and video from the concert (via phone) throughout the event. Fabulous.

The kids are hanging in there. Getting to spend so much time with their father is helping them and helping M with her studying. K, her friend, really helped her see some thing that could be jettisoned in favor of decreasing the list of Things Which Must Be Done. For example, HCH gets so many hand-me-downs and they're wicked cute and M feels obliged to put them in her closet. K said, "It's just not necessary," so she, K, and HCH went through the clothes and picked fourteen summer outfits. That's it. The rest get put away for another season, or donated to another family. End of story. Love that woman!

There's more, but it's time to get moving. I'll come back and make another post soon about dog teeth and ovens and stuff. I'll bet you can't wait.


Copyright 2007 Dot's Stuff. All rights reserved. Have a fish flake oat cookie!

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