Oxygen for Morons?

Oct 14, 2008 11:09

My brother, S, called me this weekend and left a message saying that he needed support and wise counsel.  After pondering why he would've called me, under those circumstances, I continued to listen to his tale of consternation and woe.

Apparently, his neighbor (S lives in Chesapeake, VA) has erected enormous McCain/Palin signs in his yard.  That part, while unappealing in that it shades a portion of Stephen's yard where he has some full-sun plants growing, is ok.  Temporary.  Inevitable.  Part of free speech.


S says that he is now moved to possible misdemeanor mode because said neighbor has now added another sign to his (own) front door.  It comprises a picture of an elephant and the words: "Vote Republican.  Vote Smart."  In the wake of Palin's naming as veep candidate on the Republican ticket, this piece of oxymoronic jingoism has put my poor little brother over the edge.

"How on EARTH (which is probably the only planet Palin can name) could anyone associate the word 'smart' with the current Republican ticket???  This is a woman who cannot name a print media item she reads on a regular basis, who could not name a Supreme Court case (hello Brown v. the Board of Education, Dred Scott, Miranda v. Arizona, Marbury v. Madison...) -- notwithstanding the fact that the United States v. Alaska took place in 2005!!!  It's just too much..."

I suggested that he could affix another sign below the door sign to read: "Hukked awn fawnexx wurked grayt fore mee!"  I opined that this would not incur misdemeanor charges, unless he used Gorilla Glue.

He is open to additional suggestions.  Have at it!


happies, politricks, family

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