I Wish I Could Tell You

Sep 29, 2008 22:19

I wish I could tell you: what it feels like to walk up and down and along mountainsides as part of my normal work day.

I wish I could tell you how delicious Ines Rosales Tortas de Aceite are. tinyurl.com/4nkggq  I wish I could tell you how much better they are with a room temperature glass of local organic wandering cows raw milk.

I wish I could tell you how pleasant it is to come home and find our li a-buzz with domesticity: kale steaming in spices and broth, wild-caught fish seasoned and ready to bake, sweet potatoes hot and ready to wear butter, The Boys fed and walked.  In the time it takes me to trot downstairs, flip the laundry and fold the dry, put it away, supper is ready.   We clean the kitchen together and mosey towards night night time.

I wish I could tell you what it's like to have air scented of fresh lakes in the early morning, fall leaves at noon, and misty pines by evening.

I wish I could tell you how it feels to be entirely proud of the place where I work and the mission it serves.

I wish I could tell you how sweet it is to be wholly grateful to past teachers, regardless of whether or not they ever quite "got" me.

I wish I could tell you how frigging cool it is to realize that in less than two months we'll be on our free mega vacation with two dear, dear friends and a brand new one we might not have met had I not won the thing in the first place.

I wish I could tell you how neat it is to have beeg40 's voice in my voice mail.  I saved it, waiting for having the nerve to call again now that the crisis has passed (there were no available lines when I tried to return the call during that time).

I wish I could tell you how inspiring it is to see someone (anyone) who has resisted information about food sourcing, ingredient qualities, etc., finding the truth in his/her own way at his/her own pace -- as best suits his/her path.  And, yeah, it makes me chuckle to remember being dubbed a crackpot for sharing the same knowledge years ago.  But it's loving laughter, heavily tinged with joy at the enhanced health available to the person as a result of the willingness to learn something new, flavored with the increased ability to let go of how others get where they're going.

I wish I could tell you that I remembered why I started this post, what the Big Thing I wanted to wriate about was.  But, instead, I paused to love on The Boys and it kind of fled from my sleep-ready mind.

I wish I could tell you that everything is going to be ok, and have you believe it.  Because it's true.  The fact of existence is the proof of its ok-ness, regardless of whether or not one can access what makes it ok in the moment.

I wish I could tell you how damned funny Teller is on Dharma and Greg, playing "Mr. Boots".  (Of course, if you've seen it, then you know that Kitty is even funnier.)

I wish I could tell you what it feels like to work for someone whose every action embodies a deep-seated respect for the dignity and value of each person he encounters, whose kindness and humanity are equally balanced by his honesty and vulnerability, who trusts me and is as invested in my personal success as he is in his own and that of our joint project.

I wish I could tell you what it feels like to be validated, over and over, by professionals I respect: whether it's my medical folks, my colleagues, the admissions folks at the school I'll be attending next semester.

I wish I could tell you how peaceful I feel about the whole money thing.  No, not just peaceful: joyous!

I wish I could tell you how surprising it is to be completely in the groove of things.

I wish I could tell you how proud I am of Doc, as a professional.  People are seeking her out for projects.  Like one that includes two MacArthur Foundation Genius grants.  Yeah.  She's just that good.

I wish I could tell you how much I love The Boys.

I wish I could tell you how tired I am of basic facts of biology being overlooked in deference to marketing (e.g., human bodies store carbohydrate as fat -- they do not store fat as fat, etc.).

I wish I could tell you how excited I am to have Mom and J come visit!  They'll be here for the absolute peak foliage.  :)

I wish I could tell you how well M and the kids are doing.

I wish I could tell you how pleased I am to have attained a point in my life at which I am able to balance the reasonable pursuit of body-friendly healing and limited harsh pharmaceuticals with being open to what best serves (e.g., Adderall, etc.)

I wish I could tell you how happy I am.


Copyright 2008 Dot's Stuff.  All rights reserved.  I wish I could tell you why.

happies, love, navel gazing, life, family, home, work

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