Mar 22, 2009 02:03
cody called tonight.
and it all came rushing back.
how attached i was to him.
and how eager i was to see him smile.
just hearing his voice made me smile.
it's been years since.. we talked.
voice to voice.
we haggled over his need for a visit.
like two old withered friends
still fighting in the prime of their lives.
his last words:
"i miss miss you. I love you."
i love you too, cody.heart.
how i could just run away with him.
and i love him.
but not.
in that way.
or maybe.
specifically in that way.
because his smile
makes me smile.
and i was never afraid to let him go.
because he was too beautiful to ever be mine.
like angels that come into your life..
leaving moments and smiles
that you never forget
before they move on again.
never yours.
just so happy that for that moment
you caught their eye.
and all you can hope for them
is that they find someone
as equally enthralling,
as equally mysterious.
as equally marvelous.
these angels.
they come and go
and they never really realize
they imprints they leave behind.
oh, but they are treasured.
like pockets of sunshine
on a rainy day.
thank you, cody.heart.
for making me smile.